
英文發音.無字幕.2022.370 分鐘.3片DVD

貨號: OP08-22-013 分類:


This is the best seminar on challenging geriatric behaviors that you will ever attend – GUARANTEED! Watch Steven Atkinson, nationally-known expert, author and speaker on geriatrics, for a high-energy, dynamic seminar filled with interesting case studies, insightful discussions and interactive learning. You will leave this seminar with practical techniques that you can apply the next day!

Dealing with cognitively-impaired geriatric patients can be challenging even for the experienced healthcare professional. You will learn strategies to manage behaviors such as:

Anxiety and depression
Refusal of food and fluids
Inappropriate sexual advances
If older adults are routinely under your care, minimize your risk of escalating the problems associated with troublesome, often irrational behavior by attending this program. Gain valuable insights into the causes of challenging geriatric behaviors and learn innovative and practical intervention strategies to improve the care you provide.


Steven Atkinson,PA-C,MS,助理醫師,專攻老年內科。他在大明尼阿波利斯地區行醫,每天都參與藥理學和疼痛管理挑戰。除了私人執業外,他自 1994 年以來一直在猶他大學任教,從事醫學工作 30 多年。

Steven 是 Twin Cities Physicians 聯合創始人,該機構為老年人提供幾乎所有級別的護理服務。Steven 是《老年藥理學:實踐原則和臨床建議》第二版的作者並擔任多個委員會成員,其目的是提高他們所服務患者的醫學護理水平。史蒂文被描述為一位“充滿活力”的教育家,也是最吸引人的演講者之一。”