
英文發音.無字幕.2022. 2片DVD

SKU: M30-22-009 Category:


Your work with lower back pain can give patients their lives back, allowing them to once again enjoy the things that debilitating pain had taken from them.

The piriformis and quadratus lumborum, often-missed muscles in back and pelvic pain, can mimic other dysfunctions frustrating your ability to identify the root of your patients’ problem. Not only that, the piriformis and quadratus lumborum are difficult muscles to palpate, leaving you feeling hesitant and uncertain in your treatment plan.

Don’t go down the wrong treatment path, feeling defeated and worried that your client will face surgery that you can help them avoid.

Feel your confidence grow and your skills sharpen as you gain new, evidence-based strategies to release the quadratus lumborum and piriformis and stop the pain in as little as 4 to 6 sessions.

Identify the root of the problem the first time by using special assessment tests and measures, so you can address the pain and restore function quicker. Utilizing case studies and demonstration lab time, you will walk away from this workshop immediately ready to confidently tackle low back and pelvis pain in your patients.

Peggy Lamb, LMT, has spent the last 30 plus years as a manual therapist. In that time, she has treated numerous low back and pelvic dysfunctions by effectively releasing these two difficult and often overlooked muscles, giving her patients a new lease on life. Her experience and knowledge will allow you to do the same for your patients.


Peggy Lamb, MA, LMT, BCTMB, 30 多年來體能治療師,並通過國家治療按摩認證委員會認證。擁有一家私人按摩和運動治療公司。蘭姆女士在新墨西哥州聖達菲新墨西哥按摩和高級治療藝術學院和德克薩斯州達拉斯的 Wellness Skills, Inc. 接受初步培訓。她在達拉斯的 Wellness Skills, Inc. 和奧斯汀的德克薩斯治療藝術學院教授臨床解剖學和生理學、觸發點療法和瑞典技術。除了廣泛訓練按摩療法外,她還教授舞蹈和瑜伽,且是名私人教練。