JENNIFER GALARDI 有氧運動-Flowetry瑜伽.有節奏運動減輕壓力.增加柔韌性


貨號: L13-21-005 分類:


Jennifer Galardi’s Flowetry Yoga workout combines yoga with rhythmic movement for a dynamic flow that will lengthen and tone your entire body and leave you feeling centered and open. And because you can customize your workouts, you’ll never run out of unique sequences that cater to your individual needs! Customize your workout with the following: Warm Up: Lean how to connect breath to movement, a key component of an energizing yoga flow. Warm the body from the inside out as you move through big dynamic movements and prepare the body for stronger poses. Chair Series: One of yoga’s classic poses, chair helps develop lower body and core strength. Also, an excellent series for back strength and to improve posture. Lunge Series: Your legs will feel the heat in the strong sequence. Perfect to tone and tighten the lower body as well as develop flexibility in the hips. Core Series: Tighten and tone the mid-section without a single sit-up! Here you’ll learn how to powerfully connect to your center so every move you make becomes stronger and more controlled. Warrior Series: Cultivate the strength and power that resides within all of us with some of yoga’s most popular poses Flowetry: It’s time to feel the steady rhythm of your breath and movement as you peacefully dance your way through poses. Flowetry is the fullest expression of every movement you make, so breathe deep and be big! Stretch and Center: Slow down, breathe deep and let go. This relaxing series of stretches is the perfect way to reduce stress and increase flexibility. A perfect complement to any workout. Tutorial: A step by step guide of Flowetry’s key poses. A perfect place to start for beginners and a wonderful refresher for more advanced practitioners. As a dancer, fitness professional, yogini and health expert, Jennifer Galardi is fascinated by movement and how to create a healthy environment for the body so that the soul can thrive. She continues to educate herself in the fields of fitness, nutrition, yoga and holistic wellness to help empower others to make positive changes for themselves.