


貨號: N05-20-004 分類: ,




N05-20-004 社會學入門-什麼是社會學.社會認同.社會建構主義.社會學與常識


  1. What is Sociology?

This film provides an accessible introduction to sociology, based around the distinction between social and sociological problems, looking at the problem of order, explaining social change, and relationship between the individual and society.

  1. Identity

This activity-based film looks at the interaction between the individual and society through the concept of identity, illustrating and explaining the difference between personal and social identities.

  1. Social Constructionism

This film introduces the key concept of social construction and how cultures teach us to see the world in certain ways.  This is illustrated through looking at and comparing cross cultural constructions of gender.

  1. Sociology and Common-sense

Does Sociology go beyond common sense and, if so, how? This question is addressed by introducing students to some key principles of thinking sociologically and then comparing differences between sociological and common sense thinking in relation to crime.




  1. Family Diversity

This film examines family diversity through a range of measures – including marriage, divorce, cohabitation and birth rates – that suggest how and why the structure, organisation and culture of family life is changing in late modernity.

  1. Family and Social Change

To what extent are recent changes in family life a reflection of wider social changes in late modern societies? This film examines this question by looking at major social changes in culture, consumerism and identity.

  1. The End of Childhood?

Is childhood disappearing in contemporary societies? This film uses Jane Pilcher’s

contemporary case study on fashion and the sexualisation of girls to examine this question

  1. Childhood and New Technology

This film explores some of the ways new communication technologies and surveillance software impact on ideas of children and childhood in contemporary societies.




  1. Participant Observation

Some research questions can only really be studied by sociologists getting out of their offices and interacting directly with the people they want to study. Starting with the famous Chicago School of sociology, this film looks at some classic studies to illustrate why participation observation is used in sociology, its major strengths and limitations and its contribution to sociological understanding.

  1. Case Studies

If you go and see your doctor or a therapist, you’ll become a ‘case’ to them. They’ll want to know a lot more about you. Similarly, sociological case studies involve putting a social group, an event or a place ‘under the microscope’. This film looks at a classic sociological study, The Spiritual Revolution, to show why case studies are used in sociology, what they provide for the sociologist and the extent to which findings can be generalized.


N05-20-007社會學研究-Peter Baehr 揭露真相


Unmasking is an extreme form of criticism that is becoming increasingly prevalent in social science and everyday discourse where individuals are accused of being fraudulent and ideas are exposed as illusions, making debate and argument irrelevant.

In this film we look at Professor Peter Baehr’s analysis of unmasking, provide some key examples, and consider some of the implications of unmasking for academia and for society.




Can we learn aggression from aggressive media?

This film looks at experimental, longitudinal and case study research evidence and how social learning, script theory and susceptibility approaches, such as hostile attribution bias, can help understand and explain this evidence.