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SKU: K09-23-003 Categories: , , ,


Childhood Disruptive Behavior Disorders are on the rise! Tantrums, anger, defiance, threatening behavior …

How can we as therapists more effectively decrease acting-out behaviors and help repair, rebuild and create strong parent-child relationships?

Watch me, Clair Mellenthin, expert in child and family trauma and attachment, as we dive into the impact of Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder on children, teens, and their families. You’ll learn effective, powerful, evidence-based play therapy interventions including guided imagery, mindfulness, expressive arts, and sandtray play – all of which include parent-child relationship enhancement activities.

This workshop will show you how:

the impact of attachment plays a role in the etiology in childhood disruptive behavior disorders
to utilize attachment-centered play therapy techniques to treat these diagnoses in children
to strengthen parent-child relationships
to improve overall self-esteem and confidence – giving the child tools to control their challenging symptoms and help heal the family system.



兒童和家庭創傷與依戀方面的專家克萊爾·梅倫廷 (Clair Mellenthin) 看著我深入探討對立違抗障礙和品行障礙對兒童、青少年及其家庭的影響。您將學習有效、強大、循證的遊戲治療干預措施,包括引導意象、正念、表現藝術和沙盤遊戲——所有這些都包括親子關係增強活動。




Clair Mellenthin, LCSW, RPT-S, is an international speaker, author, psychologist, and Registered Play Therapist Supervisor. Throughout her career, she has specialized in providing play therapy to children, teens, and their families. She is currently the Director of Child & Adolescents at Wasatch Family Therapy. Ms. Mellenthin frequently presents professional play therapy and family therapy trainings on Attachment-Centered Play Therapy, Family, and Trauma issues both nationally and internationally.

Ms. Mellenthin is a sought-after supervisor, training graduate students and interns in play therapy, and an adjunct faculty member at the University of Southern California MSW program. She is the past-president of the Utah Association for Play Therapy and remains an active member on the Board of Directors. She is the author of the books Attachment Centered Play Therapy; Play Therapy: Engaging & Powerful Techniques for the Treatment of Childhood Disorders; My Many Colors of Me Workbook and has authored several chapters and articles. In addition to being an experienced play therapist and professor, Ms. Mellenthin also appears on local and national TV and radio as an expert on children and family issues. She holds a master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Southern California.


Clair Mellenthin,LCSW,RPT-S,是國際演講者、作家、心理學家和註冊遊戲治療師主管。在她的整個職業生涯中,她一直專注於為兒童、青少年及其家人提供遊戲治療。她目前是 Wasatch Family Therapy 的兒童和青少年主任。Mellenthin 女士經常在國內和國際上就以依戀為中心的遊戲治療、家庭和創傷問題提供專業的遊戲治療和家庭治療培訓。

Mellenthin 女士是一位受歡迎的主管,培訓研究生和遊戲治療實習生,也是南加州大學 MSW 項目的兼職教員。她是猶他州遊戲治療協會的前任主席,並且仍然是董事會的活躍成員。她是《以依戀為中心的遊戲療法》一書的作者;遊戲療法:用於治療兒童疾病的引人入勝的強大技術;My Many Colours of Me Workbook ,並撰寫了幾章和文章。除了是一位經驗豐富的遊戲治療師和教授之外,Mellenthin 女士還作為兒童和家庭問題專家出現在當地和全國的電視和廣播中。