

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.8DVD

貨號: S05-20-030 分類: ,




S05-20-030      商業心理應用訓練所01-批判性思維.寬容.多樣性和看法.影響人際關係

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.50分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn if common sense can be learned and the many pet peeves people have on others unaware behavior. We’ll learn the components and benefits of critical thinking. Examined is how critical thinking, common sense and common courtesy affected your development as a child, how it shapes your views on tolerance, diversity, and stereotypes, how it affects your relationships, daily travels, and your workplace, and how it impacts your physical and mental health.


S05-20-031      商業心理應用訓練所08-團隊合作

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.16分鐘.1DVD

Explore how awareness is the key to change, how to resolve conflicts while observing the traits of an effective team player and manager. It’s one thing to call a group of individuals a team. It’s another for that group of individuals to actually function as a true team. Teamwork is the concept of people working together cooperatively. As a team player or manager, it is beneficial to learn about effective communication, conflict resolution and how everyone benefits from respect, support and appreciation. It’s also important to separate myths from facts about teamwork. This program discusses the constructive ways to welcome a newcomer to your organization. We don’t always get to choose our team mates but one thing is for sure, personal problems or lackluster attitudes are not permitted on a successful team.


S04-20-009      商業心理應用訓練所09-客戶服務-禮貌傾聽.回應需求.自信.同情.機智.鎮定和穩定性

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.13分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll explore ways to handle difficult people, resolve conflicts and how to improve emails and correspondence. We’ll learn to understand how one’s personal behavior reflects the company. Customer service is the art of politely listening and responding to the needs of customers in a professional and timely manner. Good service with a kind, understanding voice will exude confidence and compassion. Even the most difficult customer can benefit from your tact, poise and steadiness. Good attitude makes all the difference and sets an organization way above its competitors.


S05-20-032      商業心理應用訓練所10-思想和信念如何限制成長機會

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.28分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll explore the origins of your mindset and belief systems and observe how thoughts and beliefs can limit opportunities. We’ll learn how thoughts and beliefs can expand opportunities. One narrator describes what qualities comprise the human structure while another narrator describes the structure for a successful business, thus we learn the many qualities that create a great employee and a successful organization. An ambitious employee knows that learning business skills leads to economic prosperity. A practical employee accepts every opportunity to demonstrate their talent and worth. A sensitive employee is respectful of people’s privacy, ethnic origin, belongings, belief systems and mindsets.


S05-20-033      商業心理應用訓練所11-事故預防.安全訓練

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.13分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn that most accidents are preventable and the safety tips to adhere to when using tools and machinery. We’ll learn the rules to prevent slips and falls. Safety is no accident and affects everyone in every industry. The good news is that accidents are preventable with proper training and safety products. A company’s primary objective is to ensure the safety and health of their employees and every workplace has hazards that endanger workers. It’s important to understand the unique risks in your company so you can develop an effective safety program that minimizes illness and injuries.


S05-20-034      商業心理應用訓練所12-管理憤怒

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.21分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the facts from the myths about anger and how it can affect your health. We’ll learn effective techniques to manage your anger. Uncontrolled anger and misplaced aggression is an epidemic. 77% of students are being bullied physically, mentally, or verbally. 71.5 million Americans are affected by bullying in the workplace. Rage in the home and in the workplace is common. How did we get to be so angry? We’ll explore the negative beliefs that fuel frustration and anger and how we process negative emotions along with successful anger management tips.


S05-20-035      商業心理應用訓練所13-恐懼是對未來事件擔憂.使您集中精力.理性和謹慎

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.23分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn how fears are developed and how a worker’s fear affects the workplace. We’ll explore ways and techniques to overcome fear. Just the very word can scare us. Horror movies, ghost stories, the evening news, fear is all around us. The amusement park and Halloween industry thrive on people’s enjoyment of fear. But for others, fear can paralyze and place great limits on living a fulfilled life. Fear is about imminent danger or concern for a future unpleasant event. Fear is an emotion that responds to a threatening situation. It may surprise you to know that fear is not necessarily your enemy. In small doses, fear may get you to focus your mind and be the voice of reason and caution. We’ll discuss how there’s a healthy fear and an unhealthy fear.


S05-20-036      商業心理應用訓練所14-重視誠信.真理.說謊失去信任

英文發音. 英文字幕.2019.20分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the history of lying and why we lie. We’ll learn how lying affects relationships and your job and we’ll explore effective approaches to eliminate the use of lying. Since the dawn of mankind, to avoid confrontation or embarrassment, our ancestors had to learn how to cooperate. In order to survive, they found a powerful tool that would get results by conveying a false impression. They discovered lying. It’s ironic. We value honesty – yet we can be so sneaky. We value truth – yet lying is the number one reason people lose trust. Why do we do it?  Let’s discover how we learned to lie as a child and why we continue to lie as adults.