Psychiatry is one of the most challenging areas of medicine, secondary to the subjective nature of the specialty. As clinicians, we have no objective data to base our course of treatment on.
Psychopharmacology and psychotherapy are our best options in terms of treatments and therapy is only successful if the patient is committed to attending every session, completing their homework, and willing to make the necessary life changes to improve their mental health. Medication can be very helpful in terms of alleviating mental health symptoms; however, choosing the right medication and/or combination of meds is crucial to achieving successful outcomes. Secondary to the psychiatry shortage, providers in other specialties find themselves treating mental health patients, which can present additional challenges.
This recording will arm you with a valuable update on the different classes of psychiatric medications and facilitate a deeper level of understanding in terms of how these medications work on their respective neurotransmitters and how they work in conjunction with one another. It is uncommon for mental health patients to be on only one medication, as a combination of medications is often required to reach the desired level of improvement.
After this course, you will be able to identify effective medication regimens for patients based on their psychiatric history and presenting symptoms, ultimately contributing to quality of life improvements in patients with mental health conditions.