Improve mood and behavior in clients using micro- and macronutrients
Ideas for practical, affordable and individualized diets along with optimal cooking methods and recipes
Safely and ethically apply integrated and nutritional medicine within your professional discipline’s scope of practice
Improve assessment by learning to differentiate between a clinical presentation of mental illness vs. nutritional and/or hormonal imbalances
Customize treatment plans through six unique nutrition methods for clients with mood lability
Nourish both the brain and the gut, , the “second brain” through key nutrients
Learn to identify gluten and casein sensitivity with the presentation of depression, psychosis and ASD in clients
Implement evidence-based protocols for nutrition and herbal approaches for six DSM-5® categories
Evaluate how client eating patterns may influence their mental health by using a food-mood assessment tool
Increase compliance by using the DSM-5® Cultural Formulation tool to inform your treatment planning process
Prevent side effects of polymedicine use through evaluation of drug-nutrient-herbal interactions
Decrease dissociative symptoms in clients through stage-specific anaerobic and aerobic exercise and self-care methods
Improve focus for clients with anxiety disorders with breathing techniques to reduce hyperventilation
Adapt complementary and alternative methods for children and teens with behavioral and mental health disorders such as ADHD and ODD
Learn when psychotropic medications, herbal medicines, and nutrients can be harmful to clients
Improve anxiety and depression symptoms with essential fatty acids
Discover how circadian rhythm contributes to depression, PTSD and bipolar disorder
Evaluate the impact of blood sugar and genetic variations on mental health disorders and effective treatment
心理諮商, 營養醫學, 職能治療, 自然療法