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貨號: M09-21-009 分類: , ,


You are faced with a growing caseload, diminished resources/reimbursement, and increasingly complex patients with the expectation of improving outcomes and reducing length of stay. On top of it all, when working with patients with brain lesions, the behavioral and cognitive challenges can be taxing.

Jerome Quellier, MS, CCC-SLP will bring decades of acute care experience to the table and arm you with an improved clinical eye to predict dysfunction and expedite the pathway to treatment.

Neuroanatomy is admittedly complex and overwhelming, but this course provides today’s cutting edge neuroscience – in plain English. You’ll tie what you learned (and may have forgotten) about neuroscience to a clear understanding of how you can work around the damage to optimize your patient outcomes!

A framework for understanding the recovery pathway for each type of lesion
Clinical implications for abrupt visual changes and an in-depth understanding of the difference between visual field cuts and neglect
Simple modifications to your interventions that will streamline your treatment time and patient outcomes
Best of all? We’ll explore what we can we learn from each other! OTs, PTs and SLPs all have powerful treatment tools up their sleeves. This training will emphasize the best practices from each that help to overcome specific patient deficits.

Feel confident with your next patient as you unlock the keys to working with behavior barriers and engagement. Watch me for a high-energy, dynamic program filled with interesting case studies, insightful discussions and interactive learning. You will finish this training with practical techniques that you can apply the next day!


Jerome Quellier,MS,CCC-SLP,明尼蘇達州聖保羅擁有 450 多張床位一級創傷醫院創傷性腦損傷和溝通障礙臨床專家,擁有近 25 年急性、住院和門診康復經驗。醫院任職期間,他專注於吞嚥困難、認知語言缺陷、頭頸癌管理、患者宣傳和課程開發的神經診斷。Quellier 先生對神經病學進行長期研究,在馬凱特大學完成大腦解剖高級培訓,積極參與員工發展培訓,最近加入了一個手術團隊,在腫瘤切除期間保留語言功能。他還曾在明尼蘇達德盧斯大學擔任教職,並在威斯康星大學歐克萊爾分校擔任兼職教授。Quellier 先生很高興在與跨學科團隊合作後,了解創傷性腦損傷、中風、神經退化疾​​病和腫瘤切除術。他以優異成績畢業於威斯康星大學歐克萊爾分校,獲得學士學位和研究生學位。