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貨號: K11-21-022 分類: , ,


Have you ever worked with a child or adolescent and noticed that treatment wasn’t progressing as expected? Or perhaps you noticed a developmental concern, and you suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but didn’t know what to do next?

Join Rebecca Sachs, PhD, ABPP, and Tamara Rosen, PhD, and learn how to skillfully use specific screening and assessment-based tools and strategies for:

When ASD is suspected and you feel stuck
Understanding and treating challenging behaviors that may be impacting treatment
Confidently communicating ASD concerns to other professionals and parents
Making effective and appropriate referral
Incorporating screening and assessment results into tailored interventions
By incorporating this knowledge and using skills that you already have, you will be able to support your client’s underdeveloped areas while also harnessing their strengths!


麗貝卡·薩克斯 (Rebecca Sachs) 博士,ABPP 是臨床心理學家,專門從事自閉症譜系個體評估和治療,這些自閉症譜系個體也經歷著難以同時發生的疾病,例如強迫症 (OCD) 和嚴重焦慮症。她與各個年齡段的人一起工作,喜歡談論、演講和培訓其他人關於自閉症和常見的複雜合併症。Sachs 博士獲得行為和認知心理學委員會認證,作為一名心理學家,她為她的工作帶來了熱情、敏感和強烈的幽默感。她被美國焦慮和抑鬱協會 (ADAA) 認定為一顆冉冉升起的新星,並於 2015 年獲得職業發展領導獎。Sach 博士分別獲得了紐約大學和霍夫斯特拉大學的學士學位和博士學位,並在邁阿密大學完成了博士後研究。Sachs 博士很高興在今年開始第二次冒險——針對 6 年級及以上學生的拒學計劃。
