
專家講座2850-高級心臟救命術 ACLS Megacode 證照-臨床心臟驟停.複雜復甦評估.藥物.診療.後續護理


貨號: M31-21-004 分類: ,


Patient codes can strike fear in the best of clinicians.

How confident are YOU in your own role during patient codes? And not just the straightforward patient codes. The codes that depend on the entire team to offer expertise and seamless skill. The MegaCodes. Critical thinking must be spot on. And there sure cannot be any delays or second guessing.

Did you know that the AHA guidelines have just been updated? There are changes to adult basic life support, enhanced algorithms for BLS and ACLS resuscitation and more! We all know what that means … get a jump on the new standards coming!
The clinical expert selected for this intense training opportunity will share countless tips from his many years working as an emergency, critical care, flight and trauma nurse, to lead the way to new best practice guidelines, new strategies and new thinking. You’ll immediately elevate your knowledge, breeze through your mandatory certification exams and earn up to 14.5 CE credits, including 4 ANCC Approved Pharmacology CE credits.The Patient is Trying to Die
Cardiac output
Cerebral perfusion pressure
Rule out reversible causes
Sepsis pathways
Pressure and volume explained
21 ways a patient could code
Major NEW 2020 AHA Guideline Changes
Opioid associated emergency algorithms
Post-cardiac arrest care algorithm
Neuro prognostication diagramming
Cardiac arrest in pregnancy algorithm
CPR best practices
Stable vs. unstable threats to life
Post-Resuscitation Care Guidelines
Targeted temperature management
Stroke volume – optimizing afterload, cardiogenic shock, distributive shocks
Optimize volume status
End goal of the code
Trauma triad of death
4 key pain pathway considerations
Pre and Post-Arrest Pearls
Pro-actively anticipate lab changes
What is the EKG telling you
Imagery needed ASAP
Oxygenation and ventilation -> homeostasis
Case studies to test your knowledge
Additional resources to keep learning


Sean G. Smith,C-EFM、C-NPT、FP-C、RNC-NIC、CEN、CFRN、CPEN、CCRN-CMC(成人)、CCRN-K(新生兒)、CCRN-K(兒科),曾在軍方教授創傷護理、戰術醫學、急救/重症監護和院前急救醫療服務飛行護理。他擁有護理和分子生物學學位,畢業於杜克大學法律護士諮詢,目前在佛羅里達大學藥學院攻讀碩士學位。擁有多項高級專業證書以及重症監護和急救醫學講師資格。職業亮點包括眾多作者/合著者學分,包括:暢銷的實驗室醫學教科書、創傷護理核心課程中關於休克的一章,以及新發布復甦危機手冊中部分。Sean 為眾多知名醫院系統(耶魯、梅奧……)提供臨床、法律和認證諮詢。他經常在國家/國際會議上發表演講,完成了 50 多項醫療任務(多米尼加共和國、洪都拉斯、摩洛哥、利比里亞和海地),並為 NASA 航天飛機計劃提供醫療支持。