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貨號: K05-22-001 分類: , , ,


Helping young people heal is your greatest reward.But when treating adolescents with depression, anxiety, and trauma the full extent of their suffering is not always obvious. Many in distress wear a mask of strength while secretly harming themselves or hiding their struggle with thoughts of suicide. You worry that you could be missing critical signs.This seminar will provide you with the assessment tools you need to unmask self-harming and suicidal thoughts, adapt interventions from DBT and CBT to work with the distinct challenges of treating suicidal and self-harming adolescents, and manage the specific confidentiality and liability issues that accompany working with minors.
There’s too much at stake to be unprepared!


Tony L. Sheppard,Psy.D.,CGP,FAGPA,專門治療患有精神疾病(包括自殘和自殺)年輕人。作為心理學家和團體心理治療師,Tony 將超過 15 年的兒童、青少年和年輕人工作經驗帶到了他的臨床實踐中。除了他的私人診所 Groupworks 之外,他還在全國培訓了數百名臨床醫生、教育工作者、護士和醫生,以治療自殘和自殺,並且是團體心理治療培訓課程的作者。托尼的臨床方法借鑒了人際關係神經生物學、辯證行為療法、以解決為中心的短期療法、認知行為療法和積極心理學。他富有創意和互動的交付風格將帶您進入青少年自殺和自殘的可怕本質,讓您在離開時充滿信心並準備好處理這項最重要的工作。