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貨號: M09-22-008 分類: , ,


This Stroke Rehabilitation Certificate Workshop, with its displayable certificate of recognition, is the perfect way for you to let patients, employers and colleagues know that you’ve invested time and effort into specialized training without the additional fees, forms and lengthy exams of credential granting certification programs.

Dr. Benjamin White is an expert in stroke rehabilitation, and an award-winning clinical instructor, who has helped countless stroke survivors leave their limitations behind.

Over 2 intensive days Dr. White will make both evidence-based and cutting-edge resources available to you in a way that is instantly applicable to your work — showing you how to turn years of research and practice into practical strategies and techniques so you can:

Skillfully assess extremity function, gait, balance, coordination, executive functioning and more
Optimize your patients’ walking ability and restore their functional mobility
More successfully work with spasticity in post-stroke patients
Knowledgably use orthotics to stabilize extremities and improve stability
Manage extremity pain with today’s best practices
Restore executive functioning and visual skills


Benjamin White, PT, DPT, C/NDT, LSVT BIG,中風康復專家,在德克薩斯州非營利性醫療機構擔任首席神經治療師。畢業於德克薩斯大學健康科學中心物理治療博士,多年來治療多種神經系統疾病,從腦震盪和前庭疾病到中風、帕金森氏症和吉蘭-巴利綜合徵。White 博士屢獲殊榮臨床講師,也是著名中風康復全國演講人,發表多篇關於神經可塑性和中風主題文章。他還在神經發育治療 (NDT) 出版委員會任職,並且是布拉索斯谷帕金森協會聯合主席。