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The treatment landscape for dementia and brain related cognitive interventions is rapidly changing, making it difficult to stay abreast of treatments that work and those that have been over-hyped. With the popular understanding of brain plasticity increasing while concussion-related conditions are gaining a wealth of media focus, patients are looking to you to help them separate fact from fiction about brain health and rehabilitation.

Using the latest science, Dr. All will teach you practical interventions to best help your clients build and maintain cognitive skills and functional independence. You will leave the day with a comprehensive toolbox of evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation interventions and the skills you need to match them to the cognitive domains for which they are most effective.

Drawing on over 15 years of clinical experience, Dr. All will teach you techniques and interventions to effectively:

Assess for cognitive decline and accurately interpret complicated assessment reports
Determine when to refer out to a specialist for more detailed assessment
Put the recommendations of a neuropsychological report into action
Create actionable treatment plans to immediately start helping your clients
Expand working memory and enhance attention, generalizing to real-world functioning
Improve memory encoding, consolidation, and retrieval to improve client independence
Expand executive functions, including planning and problem solving, to promote flexible thinking
Improve visuospatial function and language to enhance client independence and social functioning
Walk away with practical and useful techniques that can be implemented immediately within your practice. Purchase today and start feeling confident in delivering the rehabilitation interventions your clients facing cognitive decline so desperately need!


雪莉·奧爾Sherrie D. All PhD博士



任職芝加哥認知健康中心 (CCCW),團體神經心理學機構


雪莉·奧爾博士是臨床神經心理學家,十多年來一直專注於治療癡呆症、帕金森病、TBI、MS 和其他神經系統疾病患者。芝加哥認知健康中心創始人兼主任,專門從事認知康復和大腦健康私人神經心理學診所。她使用循證認知康復干預措施幫助數百名經歷認知衰退的成年人提高了他們的思維能力,擴大了他們的功能獨立性,並增強了他們的大腦健康。

榮獲2010年Sharpbrains 最具創新精神健康項目創新獎,

她曾擔任Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging顧問,幫助開發和評估整體大腦健康計劃,她研究降低罹患癡呆症風險方法。


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