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專家講座3066-應用EKG和胸部 X光診斷心臟和呼吸疾病技術


貨號: M31-22-015 分類: , ,


You commonly rely on EKG and Chest X-Ray results to diagnose a wide variety of cardiac and respiratory conditions, yet even the most seasoned NPs, PAs, and RNs can struggle to truly master interpretation of these key tests.

We understand the complexities involved and have heard your requests for a program that will advance your skills and confidence. Cheryl Herrmann, RN, MS, APRN, CCRN, CCNS-CSC/CMC, is the critical care/cardiac expert clinician selected to develop this program – to take your own practice to another level!

Don’t miss this opportunity to:

Analyze QRS axis to determine diagnosis
Contrast left anterior and posterior hemiblocks
Recognize the location of acute coronary syndromes
Interpret chest x-rays for differential diagnosis
Perform more efficient and effective patient assessments
Cheryl’s practical insights and research-based updates will elevate new ways of thinking. You will be able to rapidly assess, take information from the incoming test results and initiate the best treatments for your patients.


Cheryl Herrmann,RN,MS,APRN,CCRN,CCNS-CSC-CMC,心臟護理專家, AACN 國家教學學院和地區會議熱門演講者。過去的參與者評論說“他們學到了多少,因為 Cheryl 掌握了複雜的概念並使它們易於理解!” “Cheryl 不只講課,還教授並提供實用的策略。 1996 年的研究論文就是關於女性與心臟病。從那時起,她一直倡導教育醫學領域和公眾提高對女性心臟的認識。Herrmann 女士對心臟護理充滿熱情,在院前 EMS、急症和重症監護、心臟門診和專業教育有超過 35 年心臟護理經驗。她還是護理期刊作者和審稿人,其中之一,重症監護診所,發表女人的心是不同的。2005 年,Herrmann 女士榮獲美國重症監護協會榮譽優秀臨床護士專家獎和 25 位女性領導獎。