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貨號: K03-22-002 分類: , ,


As therapists, parents are one of our biggest blindspots.

We feel like we have limited time and options for collaborating and working with them.

And honestly for most of us, it just wasn’t something we were taught.

But families are systems. One’s in which parents don’t know what to do or what to say…often taking things from bad to worse.

So if you’re not working with the entire system in which your young clients live, every bit of progress you make in individual sessions will soon fall away.

As an internationally recognized therapist known as “The Parent Whisperer” I’ve spent my career mastering the art of engaging difficult to reach parents.

Now in this must-have one day training I’ll share the tools, strategies and how-to approaches you need to go beyond individual therapy and confidently integrate parents into treatment so kids and their families can live with more joy, greater ease, and lasting peace.

In just one day, you discover how you can:

  • Develop self-leadership skills for both parent and child
  • Achieve the goal to help parents see more clearly
  • Remove yourself from the tornado – lead them from chaos to clarity
  • Stay out of the drama – not your job to fix it
  • Support self-sufficiency – or you’ll burn out
  • Help parents come up with the answers – empower them
  • Bring certainty, clarity, and groundedness to parents




遠離戲劇 – 不是你的工作來解決它
幫助父母想出答案 – 賦予他們權力


Victoria Grinman, PhD, LCSW, is the founder of Permission Slip Parenting™, a groundbreaking approach to guiding parents in connecting to a more fulfilled parenthood journey that supports their joy, confidence and sustained connection and growth with themselves and their child throughout their lifetime. She is an expert in the experience of posttraumatic growth, the parenthood experience, autism and relationships.

Dr. Grinman earned her PhD at Adelphi University and Master of Social Work at Columbia University. She served as a contributing lecturer at Columbia University, Boston College and Adelphi University, and speaks nationally to professionals dedicated to the healthcare arena. Victoria is a trauma-informed and trained yoga and mindfulness instructor, a certified aromatherapist and a dedicated long-time clinician volunteer for Experience Camps, a free one-week grief camp experience for children who have lost a significant person in their life. She nurtures Growing Kind Minds LLC, a private therapy and coaching practice and lives with her sassy yorkie, Vanna Goh Goh, named after Vincent van Gogh. She resides in New York City.


Victoria Grinman,博士,LICSW-R,心理治療師、教育家和演講者,擁有超過 15 年經驗,為所有年齡和不同生活觀點的個人及其家庭提供支持。她是Growing Kind Minds LLC 創始人,這是一家私人執業和社區資源。她是家庭創傷專業人士,通過 Little Flower Yoga 為兒童和青少年提供訓練有素的瑜伽和正念教練,並通過紐約芳香療法學院獲得認證的芳香療法師。維多利亞是哥倫比亞社會工作學院、波士頓學院社會工作學院和阿德菲大學的驕傲教員。她的重點領域包括創傷後成長、創傷、育兒和自閉症。

