


貨號: M30-23-003 分類: ,


A shoulder patient is rarely ‘just a shoulder.’ Differentiating between the rotator cuff, impingement, referred pain from the cervical spine, the thoracic spine, postural dysfunction and more – will even leave experienced clinicians scratching their heads.

Adding to the challenge is the often vague and diffuse symptom reports patient’s offer as they struggle to describe what they feel, other than, “it hurts.”

Successful treatment of the shoulder is just as dependent on your differential diagnosis as it is on any of your interventions.

A complicated process — simplified! You will get to the root cause of impairment faster and confidently with a comprehensive assessment to:

Accurately assess the rotator cuff, labrum, joint capsule and ligaments
Identify contributions from the AC, SC and scapulothoracic joints
Objectively and efficiently assess involvement of the cervical and thoracic spine
Live demonstrations and case studies by physical therapist & athletic trainer, Katie DuFrene, PT, DPT, LAT
Knowing is half the battle, next is what you do about it. With an emphasis on function, treatment strategies utilize multiplanar dynamic application. Covered techniques include manual therapy, active mobilization techniques, strengthening, neuromuscular re-education, PNF and more! All of which can be done with simple tools you likely already have in the clinic.

病患者很少“只是一個肩膀”。肩袖、撞擊、頸椎牽涉痛、胸椎、姿勢功能障礙等之間的區別 – 甚至會讓經驗豐富的臨床醫生摸不著頭腦。增加挑戰的是患者提供的症狀報告往往含糊不清,因為他們很難描述自己的感受,而不是“很疼”。



確定 AC、SC 和肩胸關節的貢獻
物理治療師和運動教練 Katie DuFrene, PT, DPT, LAT 的現場演示和案例研究
了解是成功的一半,接下來是你如何應對。強調功能,治療策略利用多平面動態應用。涵蓋的技術包括手法治療、主動動員技術、強化、神經肌肉再教育、PNF 等等!所有這些都可以使用您在診所可能已經擁有的簡單工具來完成。


Katie DuFrene, PT, DPT, LAT, studied kinesiology during her undergraduate and began personal training and coaching for fitness, gymnastics, cheerleading and dance. She then went on to earn a master’s in athletic training and a clinical doctorate in physical therapy.

Katie has worked with collegiate and professional athletes of all sports (although there is a special place in her heart for gymnasts). She has worked with a variety of orthopedic conditions from post-operative treatments, to sprains and strains, to concussions. She holds certifications in functional movements screen/selective functional movement assessments, kinesiotaping and instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation. She also enjoys pediatric practice including managing development delays. She has been a lead volunteer for the Special Olympics of Frederick’s Young Athletes Program.


Katie DuFrene,PT、DPT、LAT,在本科期間學習運動機能學,並開始針對健身、體操、啦啦隊和舞蹈進行個人訓練和指導。然後,她繼續獲得運動訓練碩士學位和物理治療臨床博士學位。

