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專家講座3356-心理輔導證照-兒童.青少年3C科技成癮治療 CDHWP


貨號: K04-23-001 分類: , , ,


We are on the verge of a global public health crisis – and the kids, teens and young adults you work with are at the greatest risk.

Young people are living their lives in front of a screen with disastrous results. ADHD, depression, suicidality, anxiety, sleep irregularities, thought disorders, and stunted social skills are rising dramatically. Whether you’re a mental health professional or school-based professional the resources available have lacked the concrete strategies and real-life interventions you need to effectively intervene in this growing epidemic.

Dr. Nicholas Kardaras is an internationally renowned expert on tech addition, author of the best-selling book Glow Kids, and executive director of one of the world’s top rehabs, The Dunes in East Hampton, NY. He is an active advocate for screen addiction to be included as a clinical disorder.

Watch him in this Certification training and get the most effective tools, strategies and techniques you need to help children, adolescents, young adults and families hijacked by technology overuse.

You’ll discover:

Clinical and school-based interventions for problem screen usage
Safe and effective strategies to work with kids hijacked by tech addiction
How family dynamics relate to problematic digital behaviors – and what you can do about it
Proven interventions to reduce video gaming, social media, and YouTube obsessions
Strategies to improve digital boundaries and discipline
Best of all, completion of this training meets the educational requirements should you choose to apply to become a Certified Digital Health and Wellness Level 1 Professional (CDHWP) through the National Institute for Digital Health and Wellness (NIDHW).


Nicholas Kardaras 博士是國際知名的技術加成專家,暢銷書Glow Kids 的作者,以及世界頂級康復中心之一紐約東漢普頓 The Dunes 的執行董事。他積極倡導將屏幕成癮列為一種臨床疾病。



減少對視頻遊戲、社交媒體和 YouTube 的痴迷的行之有效的干預措施


Nicholas Kardaras, PhD, LCSW-R, is an Ivy League educated psychologist, best-selling author, internationally renowned speaker and an expert on mental health, addiction, and the impacts of our digital age. He has developed clinical treatment programs all over the country and is the founder and chief clinical officer of Maui Recovery in Hawaii, Omega Recovery in Austin, and the Launch House in New York.

Dr. Kardaras is a former clinical professor at Stony Brook Medicine where he specialized in teaching the neurophysiology and treatment of addiction. He has also taught neuropsychology at the doctoral-level and has worked closely in developing clinical protocols with Dr. Howard Shaffer, associate professor at Harvard Medical School and the director of their Division of Addiction.

Dr. Kardaras is the best-selling author of Glow Kids (St. Martin’s Press, 2016), has written for TIME magazine, Scientific American, Psychology Today, Salon, the NY Daily News, and Fox News, and has appeared on ABC’s 20/20, Good Morning America, the CBS Evening News, Fox & Friends, NPR, Good Day New York and in New York magazine and Vanity Fair. He was featured on the 2019 A&E TV Series Digital Addiction and his 2016 NY Post Op Ed “Digital Heroin” went viral with over six million views and shares.




尼古拉斯·卡達拉斯 (Nicholas Kardaras) 博士,LCSW-R,是春藤盟校教育心理學家、暢銷書作家、國際知名演說家以及心理健康、成癮和數字時代影響方面的專家。他在全國各地制定了臨床治療方案,是夏威夷 Maui Recovery、奧斯汀 Omega Recovery 和紐約 Launch House 的創始人兼首席臨床官。

Kardaras 博士是 Stony Brook Medicine 的前臨床教授,他專門教授神經生理學和成癮治療。他還在博士級別教授神經心理學,並與哈佛醫學院副教授兼成癮部主任 Howard Shaffer 博士密切合作制定臨床方案。

Kardaras 博士是Glow Kids(2016 年) 的暢銷書作者,曾為時代雜誌、科學美國人、今日心理學、沙龍、紐約每日新聞和福克斯新聞撰稿,並出現在 ABC 的 20 /20、早安美國、CBS 晚間新聞、Fox & Friends、NPR、Good Day New York 以及紐約雜誌和名利場。他出現在 2019 年 A&E 電視連續劇“數字成癮”中,他的 2016 年紐約郵報“數字海洛因”獲得了超過 600 萬次觀看和分享。