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社會企業-MSC 生態標籤.永續漁業與日本市場


貨號: S01-21-108 分類: , ,


Sustainable fishing is important for the millions of fishermen who depend on the oceans for their livelihood and to the billions of people who eat fish. But at the moment there is little sustainable fishing. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) was set up with the dual task of convincing both fishermen and consumers of the importance of sustainably caught fish. In this episode of Helping Social Entrepreneurs, Alvin Hall task is to help the MSC to convince both fishermen and consumers of its importance. We travel to Japan ?the biggest consumer of fish and where more than forty percent of all fish sold is now imported. The oceans are under extreme pressure and many fear we are running out of fish. A grim example of this is the experience of the Grand Banks Cod Fishery, off the east coast of Canada. It had been landing tens of thousands of tons of cod every year for centuries. But in the early 1990, one of the world most abundant populations of the fish suddenly collapsed, leading to a total fishing moratorium.
