

貨號: N05-21-003 分類:






This program begins with a challenge to the story of the history of science and the philosophy of science presented so far. It shows it to be an ethnocentric Western perspective and introduces the concept of pesticide to explain the erasure of Persian, Arabic, and Islamic contributions to both science and the philosophy of science. It gives a selection of examples to show errors in the Western narration of historical discovery and achievement. The examples demonstrate that the isospin the Western story, Bacon, Newton, and so on, were preceded by others hundreds of years earlier. The program next considers the feminist challenge to malestream science and considers the possibility of epistemological privilege. The last section of the program returns to the philosophy of natural science, noting that virtually all of the diverse perspectives within the philosophy of social science share a common, usually unselected upon, acceptance of the positivist understanding of natural science. The Critical Realist perspective argues that such an understanding is a very much mistaken one. The program concludes with a presentation of the Critical Realist philosophy of both natural and social science.


N05-21-004 社會科學理論-實證主義.相對論.後現代主義


The program begins with first a look at positivist social science and then interpretivist critiques of it. It examines the difficulty but also the possibility of providing causal analysis in social science. It uses Weber arguments and the assertion one need not be Caesar in order to understand Caesar as one pole of the debate while considering Peter Winch argument and the Nuer tribe, incomprehensible to us, statement wins are birds to show the extreme difficulty of ever truly understanding other cultures. The program closes with a consideration of epistemological relativism from an entirely different perspective: postmodernism.


N05-21-005 社會科學理論-理性主義.經驗主義


This program introduces the major philosophical categories of the philosophy of natural science: ontology, epistemology, methodology, logic, and politics/morality. It gives a brief history of the origins of Rationalism and Empiricism and examines the work of the Vienna School of Logical Positivism and the sympathetic critique of Karl Popper and Karl Hempel. It considers the problem of induction and their falsifications’ solution to it. The last section gives a synopsis of Thomas Kuhn classic work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.


N05-21-006 人文與社會科學批判理論-德國法蘭克福學派


The film first presents a brief introduction to the thinking of a few of the more famous members of the Frankfurt School – Eric Fromm, Herbert Marcuse – including the second-generation Frankfurt school thinker: Jurgen Habermas. Most importantly the film looks at the ideas of Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno. A presentation of the work the Authoritarian Personality is given before a more detailed engagement of the concept of the “the culture industry” is focused upon in the second half of the film.


N05-21-007 社會學研究-群體.聯盟


This short program defines groups from a sociological standpoint, considering the purpose and functions of groups and discussing primary and secondary groups, in-groups and out-groups, reference groups, and coalitions.


N05-21-008 社會學研究-社會角色.角色應變和角色退出


This short program defines what social roles are and how they function in society. It considers role conflict, role strain, and role exit.




This program examines what social status is as it relates to a person’s position in society.


N05-21-010 社會學研究-社會學觀點


Introducing the idea of varying perspectives in sociology, this program discusses the functionalist perspective, explaining manifest and latent function. It discusses the conflict perspective with a look at Marx, feminism, and the work of DuBous. The program also considers the interactionist perspective of Weber, Mead, and Cooley.




This program introduces the idea of culture war, discusses Shalom Schwartz’s work on values that are shared and differ across cultures, and considers the idea of dominant ideology. It also considers the concept of and gives examples of subcultures and countercultures.


N05-21-012 社會學研究-物質文化和非物質文化


This program presents examples and looks at the concepts of material and non-material culture, culture lag, and sociobiology.


N05-21-013 社會學研究-印度.日本.中國.南非和拉丁美洲社會階層文化


Following a brief introduction of the typical social class division in Western countries, this video explores the contrasting social class stratification in five different cultures: Indian, Japanese, Chinese, South African, and Latin American cultures. It examines such key topics as social inequality due to tradition, religion, and political systems; opportunities for education, job advancement, and entrepreneurship; constraints on social mobility; and the effects of modern technology.


N05-21-014 社會學研究-美國社會階層


This program explores the evolution of social classes from immigrant roots into the six social classes prevalent today. It discusses historical class stratification determinants of wealth, occupation, education, and prestige and presents modern paradigms of the new rich which accelerate social mobility. The program also considers social inequality due to geography, poverty, and lack of opportunity; intergenerational mobility; the government effect on social class division; effects of law and criminal justice; and the current realities of the American Dream.?


N05-21-015 社會學研究-社會階級理論


Featuring interviews with sociologists, this program examines theories of social class and explains the differences between class and stratification. It discusses theories of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Saint-Simon, Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Kingsley, Moore, and Tumin. The program also considers the concept of social mobility.

N05-20-001 社會學-語言


This program offers a general introduction to the role language plays in society.

N05-20-002 社會學-規範


This program provides a general introduction to the concept of norms in society.
