

貨號: L14-20-021 分類:







This DVD features Wado Ryu Karate Master Roberto Danubio and is the first in a series of three DVD’s on Wado Ryu Karate. The DVD features all five of the Pinan katas of Wado Ryu and many special techniques of the founder Hironori Otsuka including Junzuki no Tsukomi, Gyaku Zuki no Tsukomi. As well as the basic Katas: Pinan Shodan, Pinan Nidan, Pinan Sandan, Pinan Yondan, Pinan Godan.


L14-20-022 空手道和道流大師專輯-練習動作模式


All Katas of the Wadoryu Karate for the advanced stage. This DVD contains: All advanced Katas of the Wadoryu Karate: Naihanchi, Kushanku, Seishan, Chinto, Wanshu, Rohai, Bassai, Niseishi, Jitte, Jion. About the author: Roberto Danubio is carrier of the 6th Dan Wadokai and president as well as chief instructor of the Swiss Wadokai Karate Do Renmei (SWKR). He enjoys a good reputation to be one of the most outstanding technicians in Wadoryu Karate in Europe. The teachers who influenced him the most were Teruo Kono (Germany), 8th Dan, and Shingo Ohgami (Sweden), 8th Dan. To his further Teachers belong Hideo Takagi (Japan), 8th Dan, and Toru Arakawa (Japan), 9th Dan JFK.




Learn Kumite forms on this DVD: A wide variety of Ippon-Kumite Forms, all 10 Kihon-Kumite Forms, and all 8 Ohio-Kumite Forms. About the presenter: Roberto Danubio is carrier of the 6th Dan Wadokai and president as well as chief instructor of the Swiss Wadokai Karate Do Renmei (SWKR). He enjoys a reputation as one of the most outstanding technicians in Wadoryu Karate in Europe. The teachers who influenced him the most were Teruo Kono (Germany), 8th Dan, and Shingo Ohgami (Sweden), 8th Dan. Roberto also instructs in Hideo Takagi (Japan), 8th Dan, and Toru Arakawa (Japan), 9th Dan JFK.