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著名物理學家和氫彈設計發明家 Richard Garwin


貨號: E01-19-039 分類: , , ,


介紹著名物理學家和發明家 Richard Garwin 的電影,他作為第一顆氫彈的設計師幫助塑造了歷史,後來成為核軍備控制和其他問題的頂級科學顧問。
這部紀錄片以真實的風格深入探討了 85 歲高齡的加文豐富而富有爭議的生活和職業,對他的思想和行為提供了個人見解。影片講述背著背包的 Garwin 重訪洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室、參加歐洲會議、前往白宮並會見政治家、其他科學家和歷史學家的故事。
Garwin 獲得博士學位。在諾貝爾獎獲得者恩里科·費米 (Enrico Fermi) 的領導下,費米後來邀請他在洛斯阿拉莫斯 (Los Alamos) 研究國家的核武器計劃。費米稱加爾文為“他見過的唯一真正的天才”。Garwin 在 23 歲時撰寫了用於氫彈的最終設計,由 Edward Teller 分配任務。後來他在 IBM 的研究中心工作,同時還擔任從艾森豪威爾到奧巴馬的歷任總統在核政策和許多其他技術問題上的最高科學顧問。近年來,他是科學家精英小組的一員,他們被要求幫助堵住英國石油公司的漏油事件,並找到解決日本福島核災難的方法。他的工作獲得了國家科學獎章。
在探索 Garwin 的生活和工作的同時,這部電影提供了一個罕見的科學和政策世界的視角,特別是像 Garwin 這樣的科學家的作用,他們經常為我們的領導人提供解決我們這個時代最關鍵問題的建議,從核擴散和裁軍,氣候變化和能源。



Garwin is the first film to profile renowned physicist and inventor Richard Garwin, who helped shape history as designer of the first hydrogen bomb and later as a top science adviser on nuclear arms control and other issues.

In verite style, the documentary delves into the rich and controversial life and career of 85 year-old Garwin, offering personal insights into his thinking and actions. The film follows backpack-toting Garwin as he revisits the Los Alamos National Laboratory, attends a conference in Europe, travels to the White House, and meets with politicians, other scientists, and historians.

Garwin received his Ph.D. under Nobel Laureate Enrico Fermi, who later invited him to work at Los Alamos on the nation’s nuclear weapons program. Fermi called Garwin “the only true genius he ever met”. Garwin authored the final design used for the hydrogen bomb at age 23, assigned to the task by Edward Teller.

He later worked for IBM at its research center, while also serving as top science adviser to every president from Eisenhower to Obama on nuclear policy and many other technical issues. In recent years he was part of an elite group of scientists asked to help plug the BP oil spill and find solutions to contain the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. His work was honored with the National Medal of Science.

While exploring Garwin’s life and work, the film offers a rare look into the world of science and policy, notably the role of scientists like Garwin who regularly advise our leaders on solutions to the most critical issues of our time, from nuclear proliferation and disarmament, to climate change and energy.
