Vision is our dominant sense for learning, but not all eye doctors provide in-depth testing for developmental and functional vision problems and the relevant treatment, such as vision therapy. Developmental Optometrists emphasize an expanded functional, developmental and behavior approach to vision evaluations. Their approach to vision care is directed at correcting existing vision problems and enhancing visual abilities. 20/20 is NOT perfect vision. In fact, the 20/20 test does not evaluate many other important measures of normal vision, including: eye focusing, eye teaming and coordination, eye movement, and visual perceptual skills. Once you have an understanding of these basic skills, and their impact on development, you’ll be able to better identify those patients and students whose academic and therapeutic progress has been delayed as a result, and offer potential solutions to these roadblocks.
Christine Winter-Rundell, OD, FCOVD, FAAO,美國視光學學會會員和視力發展驗光師學院 (COVD) 會員。她興趣在於為所有年齡段的兒童提供初級眼科護理,特別關注患有視力相關學習障礙兒童或任何腦損傷患者。她喜歡與其他專業人士共同管理患者,並經常與職業、物理和言語治療師、心理學家和兒科醫生密切合作。Winter-Rundell 博士於 2000 年以優異成績畢業於愛荷華大學,獲得生物學學位並輔修心理學。她就讀田納西州孟菲斯南方視光學院,獲得視光學博士學位,隨後在 Nova 東南視光學院初級眼科護理領域實習,重點是兒科。2005 年,她加入 Cedar Rapids Eye Care 兒童眼科中心。Winter 博士一直非常積極地前往拉丁美洲的五個不同國家進行驗光服務。