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貨號: C06-21-001 分類: , , ,






From the Declaration of Independence at Independence Hall, through to tech solutions of Silicon Valley, America has shaped the world we live in the while shaping its own identity through the iconic buildings and structures that chart the nation history.




Granada, the word in Spanish means pomegranate, a fruit brought to Spain by Moslem tribes from North Africa, in the 8th century.




In the 18th century, European powers combed the South Seas, searching out unexplored lands, treasures, and people. British ships, commanded by celebrated navigators, such as Captain James Cook, led the way. British sea power led to discoveries that would lay the foundations for its empire.




In this episode of Empire Builders, we explore the last hurrah of Europe Imperial dynasties in France, Russia, and the Austrian Habsburg empire house royal palaces, cathedrals and other great public buildings of the 18thand 19thcenturies memorialize the dramatic final chapter of the rise and fall of Imperial Europe.




In this episode of Empire Builders, we explore the historic legacy of three of Europe greatest powers the French, Russian, and Habsburg Empires hose royal palaces, cathedrals and other great buildings of the 16thto 18thcenturies are some of the world most remarkable and spectacular cultural monuments.




In the fifth century A.D. the Roman Empire, which had ruled across Europe for 600 years, was facing collapse. More than 100 years earlier in 332 its Emperor Constantine, who erected his victory arch in Rome, had moved the capital of the empire to a city in modern day Turkey which was named Constantinople.




In the seventh century, a great new religion was born and rose up in the deserts of what is now Saudi Arabia. Within 200 years, the religion had spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and then through the Moors into Southern Spain and Portugal. By the 13th century it had spread through the Ottomans into Eastern Europe, and by the 15th, through the Mughal to India. In this episode of Empire Builders, we explore ten sites that made history as we chart the rise and fall of these great Muslim empires.


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Until the 15thcentury, Spain had not made its mark as an empire, instead being the object of conquest itself, first by the Romans and then by the Muslim Moors who both occupied much of the country for several hundred years. However, it was at this time that Spain monarchy produced a series of remarkably ambitious and powerful leaders.




In this episode of Empire Builders we explore the remarkable history of one of the world greatest ancient civilizations, the Maya, traveling through the remote jungles of Central America to discover the extraordinary history of the grandest and most spectacular cities inhabited by the Maya.




The Roman Empire was the most powerful economic, cultural, political and military force in the world of its time and became one of the largest empires in world history.




Rising to prominence in North Africa along the fertile valley of the river Nile, ancient Egypt prospered and grew to become one of the world earliest and greatest civilizations.




In this episode of Empire Builders we explore the remarkable history of one of the world most unique and diverse ancient cultures, Japan, travelling through time to explore the past 1,500 years of Japan history through 10 of its most famous and spectacular buildings.