
英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.10DVD

貨號: S05-20-066  分類:




S05-20-066      人力資源管理-編制員工手冊

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.17分鐘.1DVD

Learn the importance of creating an employee manual, how to proof and modify and the importance of signing Acknowledgement Forms. Every organization needs a foundation for their workplace.  An Employee manual lays the groundwork for behavior and standards and will help prevent legal disputes.  This guide helps organizations modify, customize and fill in the blanks for their organization and takes you step-by-step through the process and how to complete all nine parts of the manual in detail.


S05-20-067      人力資源管理-組織.職務說明

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.7分鐘.1DVD

Learn why every organization should have job descriptions, how to create one for each employee and how to create job descriptions for HR directors. No the matter the era, no matter the technology, successful companies are organized. A job description is essential in every organization and should reflect the nature of the job and duties for a specific role. Think of a job description as a blueprint. The form should be brief, precise, use gender neutral language and omit unnecessary words. There are two parts to a job description: the HR form which is a guideline to hiring and the Employee form which is a guideline to performing.


S05-20-068      人力資源管理-員工差勤記錄.流程.作業

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.4分鐘.1DVD

Learn why every organization should have procedure guides, how to create them and how these forms save valuable company time. A standard operating procedure for each employee is essential in every organization. Every procedure must be documented for easy reference and service consistency and company sustainability. A standard operating procedure ensures compliance standards and safety practices are met and in place. It provides the standard and most productive way of completing a task. A company needs every employee to be on the same page especially in times when an employee is absent, ill, on vacation, or promoted. Each company and supervisors can take comfort knowing all of the procedures in a department are documented accurately, clearly and succinctly.


S05-20-069      人力資源管理-新冠肺炎防治辦公室消毒.安全作業

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.8分鐘.1DVD

Life as we know it is changing and disrupting every sector of our lives in the age of COVID-19. The ramifications of the Coronavirus Pandemic have rippled across every aspect of our professional and personal lives. With governments enforcing stringent guidelines to protect its citizens there is much that can be done by businesses when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of employees.  Planning how to manage office utilization in a way that members of your organization stay healthy and safe can be a challenging task, but having the right information and data on how your office space is used is a big step in decision-making when it comes to workspace planning for a post-pandemic workplace. What we’ve learned is to be prepared and not panic. As we return to work, we should be aware, not scared, practice preventative action at all times and take the extra measures to ensure health and safety is protected. This program teaches us all how to act proactively and learn the precautions we need to put in place to return to the workplace during the Coronavirus Pandemic.  We’ll learn what habits to follow and the role of managers to ensure workplace safety. New research suggests the coronavirus can live on a mask, plastic and stainless steel for 7 days. It can live on glass and money for 4 days.  It can live on cloth and wood for 2 days.  It can live 1 day on cardboard and on paper for 3 hours. As we return to work, all employees need to be aware. Wear a cloth mask (but not one designated for a health care worker), PPE (personal protective equipment) if instructed, stay calm (stress will lower your immune system), avoid close contact with those who are feeling unwell, keep two arm lengths (6 feet) between yourself and others, practice good hygiene and avoid shared use of office desks, work tools and equipment.  Corporations will need to adapt social distancing to the workplace, rethink floor layouts and desk seating arrangements, stagger work schedules, stagger arrival times and look at prototypes where markings delineate a six-foot radius around each desk.  Most people touch their faces several hundred times a day. To avoid infection, it’s time we form new habits.  Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth unless your hands are completely sanitized. Always cough or sneeze into your arm.  Promote regular hand washing to employees and customers. Wash your hands with soap and water for twenty seconds every two hours especially after using the bathroom, before, during and after food preparation, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing and after touching garbage.  Keep hand sanitizer at workstations at all times. Use disposable gloves, gowns and a mask for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, desks, light fixtures and handrails. Surface disinfectants like Lysol and bleach are recommended for high touch surfaces. Ensure the surface stays wet for 4 minutes.  Use video and web conferencing for meetings and assess the risks of business travel. If in-person meetings are absolutely necessary, ensure proper distancing in a well-ventilated space.  It’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure the workplace is clean and hygienic. Managers should develop an infection control policy and select an Emergency Planning Coordinator who should keep ongoing communication with their local public health department. They should put strategies in place to ensure the work environment is safe and provide signage throughout the company promoting good respiratory hygiene and recommendations for cleaning and social distancing. The coronavirus is primarily a respiratory illness that spreads airborne droplets from an infected person’s coughs or sneezes. Most of these droplets fall on nearby objects and surfaces.  You could spread the virus to co-workers and others even if you don’t feel sick. The whole world is facing the same challenges. It is therefore vital that we pay attention, take responsibility, get the facts, stay informed and be prepared.


S05-20-070      人力資源管理-衰老.退休規劃

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.8分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the facts about aging, the importance of staying active and the ways to adjust after retirement. Nowadays, people enjoy a longer life expectancy. However, there are those obsessed with the uncomfortable conditions that come with aging. Since people are often afraid of what they don’t understand, let’s discuss the facts. If you get to be older, you have survived many obstacles and many challenges. You still have emotions to express and opportunities to explore. If there is a fountain of youth, it is keeping your mind open, brain active and making sound decisions.


S05-20-071      人力資源管理-身心障礙員工照顧

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.8分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn how people with disabilities inspired innovations, why people with disabilities are great employees and how to make accommodations for people with disabilities. The government wants more people with disabilities to be gainfully employed, but many employers are scared of the unknown. So let’s learn together. People with disabilities represent an untapped labor force of talented, dedicated people and an exceptional workplace is comprised of people of all disabilities. Keep in mind that people with disabilities have inspired innovations such as closed-captioning, voice activation, braille, screen readers and spell check.


S05-20-072      人力資源管理-員工酗酒.藥物濫用

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.10分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the dangers of substance abuse in the workplace, the impact of working with someone inebriated and how companies can address this prevalent issue. Alcohol is the most widely used and abused substance in our country. 140 million Americans drink alcohol, 67.1 million are binge drinkers and 16.6 million are heavy drinkers. Most work assignments require employees to stay focused on tasks and goals, alert and accurate, productive and proactive and who are also ambitious, reliable and work well with their coworkers. Employees that have substance abuse issues are less productive and are 70% more likely to injure themselves, use more sick days, or file a workman’s compensation claim.


S05-20-073      人力資源管理-預防自殺

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.14分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn the physical warning signs, conversation codes, how to talk with someone who is considering suicide and learn ways to overcome suicidal thoughts and feelings. Some people can feel trapped and unable to cope with stressful situations. They are overwhelmed and cannot find a remedy within. Pain. It is an inevitable part of life, but sometimes the pain is so crippling that escape from it seems hopeless. The choice is either reduce the pain or find ways to cope. But people in despair may not be able to process and support themselves in a way that is positive. They just want the pain to stop.


S05-20-074      人力資源管理-男性職員性騷擾

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.17分鐘.1DVD

In this program we’ll learn why it is mostly men that harass others, when an environment becomes sexually hostile and the ways to disarm the perpetrator. Many men have difficulty handling power and money with grace. Intense issues of entitlement and control often go unchecked, thus become the norm. And powerful men who are focused solely on themselves are more likely to objectify others. These men exploit and mistreat otherws simply because they can get away with it. The effects of harassment vary from person to person. Victims of chronic harassment can suffer the same psychological effects as rape victims. They can become the target of retaliation after their complaining or filing a formal grievance. It is sad when good people come to work to be of service – only to be abused.


S05-20-075      人力資源管理-暴力.騷擾.威脅.攻擊預防

英文發音. 英文字幕.2020.15分鐘.1DVD

Violence prevention. People used to resolve their differences through talking. Now, the tendency is to use violence as the initial problem-solving technique. In fact, one out of four employees are harassed, threatened, or attacked. Worker violence should never be regarded as part of the job. Prevention programs in the workplace must consider harassment in all forms in order to be effective.