


貨號: K11-19-017 分類: ,


Imagine the students you find most challenging to work with … they may be aggressive, fail to comply, or refuse to do school work. Some are disrespectful in the classroom while others struggle to focus, control their impulsive behavior or fail to satisfactorily transition from one activity to another.

You’ve tried everything. You’ve looked everywhere for answers and you’re starting to worry there’s nothing else you can do. It’s discouraging, stressful, and exhausting. No matter your level of skill or experience, students who fail to thrive despite your best efforts can drain your enthusiasm and determination.

This live webcast will provide you with solutions to the biggest obstacles you face involving mental health and behavioral issues in your classroom and enable you to foster the fundamental positive change needed to help your most challenging students reach their full potential!

Better still, you don’t need to be a behavioral expert to benefit from this class. The techniques, strategies and skills taught in this program are useful for your school’s entire team – from teachers and special education staff to school psychologists, counselors and social workers.

Watch and learn how to:

Increase flexible thinking, attention span and self-regulation
Decrease distraction, impulsivity and defiance
Build the underdeveloped social skills that are the key to classroom management
Stop electronics from negatively impacting the classroom
Sign up today and leave with renewed passion for your work, knowing you have the skills and tools you need to help all students get down to the business of learning regardless of the challenges they face!