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貨號: K04-19-033 分類: , , ,


This recording will help you to better intervene with the challenging student—the one who won’t sit still; doesn’t follow directions; often throws tantrums; or has difficulty waiting for their turn. They may “hit first and ask questions later”. They react impulsively and have difficulty expressing what they need or what is frustrating them. This child is intelligent, caring and kind, but their challenging behavior is overwhelming, confusing and frustrating. They struggle to meet basic expectations and are unable to succeed in school, with peers and at home.

Child clinical psychologist Dr. Ehlert will teach you to effectively intervene with the emotional and behavioral dysregulation of children with High-Functioning Autism, ADHD, learning disabilities and sensory processing disorders. Through hands-on activities, exercises and techniques, you will learn classroom interventions to:

Address the sensory, language and executive functioning processing deficits that trigger them
Improve problem-solving skills and self-regulation skills
Increase their self-control, social success, emotional control and task completion
Teach flexibility, tolerance, thinking it through and decision-making
Reduce the frequency and duration of their tantrums and emotional outbursts
Walk away with proven emotional, behavioral and processing strategies that lead to social and academic success!