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貨號: K08-20-001 分類: , ,


Dyslexia, Dysgraphia or Dyscalculia are among the most complicated learning disorders seen in education today. Many of these students struggle to complete academic tasks, maintain social relationships with peers and adults, and are constantly under stress.

In this recording, you will learn how underlying deficits related to executive function, visual-perceptual and visual-motor skills, and auditory processing skills affect a student’s ability to read and write at grade and age appropriate levels. Explore the impact visual processing, cognitive development and organization have on acquiring mathematic ability, and understand how to support and teach struggling math learners.

This recording shows you how to identify underlying deficits and develop IEPs or 504 plans that effectively address individual student needs. You will develop a plan that includes game-based learning, assistive technology, phonemic and phonological awareness practice, focused auditory interventions and simple techniques to help with visual processing ability.

Upon completion of this program, you will be able to provide strategies to address your student’s/ client’s:
Visual perceptual skills
Reading rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension
Visual motor integration
Phonetic awareness and memory
Auditory and visual memory
Spelling and handwriting struggles