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貨號: K04-20-004 分類: , ,


Are you struggling to effectively treat children and adolescents who may be experiencing behavior disorders, trauma, anxiety, and mood disorders?

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D, New York Times bestselling author and worldrenowned neuropsychiatrist, has developed the Mindsight approach, which provides a unique understanding of relationships, brain, and the developing mind. Built on decades of synthesis of a range of fields of research to help create the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology, his approach expertly illuminates the science of how the young mind is formed, and provides relational strategies that support brain integration to support healthy development and achieve optimal regulation and lasting change in the child’s or adolescent’s life.

Childhood and adolescence are important and distinct periods of brain development. When we understand the similarities and differences across these periods, we can better support the development of children and adolescents. You will take home practical skills for teaching youth how use to the mind to create integration within the body and brain, and within our relationships with people and nature.

Equipped with this knowledge and these skills, clinicians, educators, and parents are in a strong position to use science-inspired strategies to support the growth of well-being lives of children and adolescents to help them thrive!

If you work with children & adolescents, this is a course you do not want to miss!


Daniel J. Siegel醫學博士, 畢業於哈佛醫學院,並在加州大學洛杉磯分校完成了他的研究生醫學教育,接受了兒科以及兒童、青少年和成人精神病學方面的培訓。他目前是加州大學洛杉磯分校醫學院的精神病學臨床教授,加州大學洛杉磯分校正念意識研究中心的創始聯合主任,加州大學洛杉磯分校文化、大腦和發展中心的創始聯合研究員,以及 Mindsight Institute 的執行主任,致力於促進個人、家庭、機構和社區的洞察力、同情心和同理心的教育中心。

西格爾博士的心理治療實踐跨越了三十年,他為專業讀者發表了大量著作。他是諾頓人際神經生物學專業系列的創始編輯,該系列包括 70 多本教科書。西格爾博士的著作包括他在《紐約時報》出版的五本暢銷書:  《覺知:存在的科學與實踐》;頭腦風暴:青少年大腦的力量和目的,心靈:人類心靈之旅,以及蒂娜佩恩布賴森博士的兩本書, 全腦兒童 和無戲劇紀律。他的其他書籍包括:與 Tina Payne Bryson 博士一起出現的力量,發展中的思維、人際神經生物學袖珍指南、Mindsight、正念大腦、正念治療師、由內而外的養育方式(與教育碩士 Mary Hartzell 合作)和 The Yes Brain(與 Tina Payne Bryson 博士合作) D). 他曾受邀為泰國國王、教皇約翰保羅二世、達賴喇嘛尊者、谷歌大學和 TEDx 演講。