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英文發音.無字幕.2021.381 分鐘.3片DVD

貨號: MH01-21-068 分類: , , ,


Watch Vicki Steine, DSC, LCSW, as she teaches you how to think more holistically about diagnosis, nutritional deficiencies, and hormonal imbalances that may contribute to mental health disorders. Nutritional psychology is an emerging field outlining how nutrients can affect mood and behavior. Many clients see a reduction in symptoms when integrating non-pharmaceutical interventions to treat depression, anxiety, bipolar and ADHD. You will learn the underlying causes and symptoms of these disorders to more accurately diagnose and treat your clients.

Through case analysis, you will experience how addressing core physical and nutritional needs can greatly increase therapeutic results. You will discover the nutrients most essential to help treat your most depressed and anxious clients, and learn simple strategies that can be integrated with pharmaceutical interventions. Leave this seminar with the tools and understanding necessary to immediately incorporate these strategies into your clinical practice.


Vicki Steine,DSC,LCSW,擔任社會工作者有 18 年,在住院和門診工作,並在亞特蘭大地區的私人診所與患有多動症、焦慮症、抑鬱症和圖雷特綜合症的兒童和成人一起工作。Steine 博士佐治亞大學獲得社會工作碩士學位,在霍索恩大學獲得整體營養科學博士學位。她通過了全國營養專業協會的整體營養委員會認證,通過綜合和功能營養學院的營養認證從業者,並且是全國社會工作者協會的成員。Steine 博士喜歡將她作為社會工作者和營養教育者的技能結合起來,幫助她的客戶努力保持井井有條、專注於工作或學校,並克服常常阻礙他們充實生活的焦慮和抑鬱。她將營養、身心鍛煉和傳統的心理治療方法(如認知行為療法)結合起來,幫助她的客戶過上最理想的生活。她曾在許多會議上發表過演講,並舉辦過講習班,為專業人士和普通民眾提供有關營養益處和改善心理健康的教育。Steine 博士使用包括營養和補充劑在內的整體方法從瀕死的划船事故和使人衰弱的抑鬱症中恢復過來,取得了個人成功。