


貨號: M10-21-016 分類: ,


Clients often don’t get the results they could from mental health medications and suffer unnecessarily. And even be at greater risk for suicide.

Tailored specifically for the mental health clinician, this seminar provides what you need to help your client get more benefit – and less downside – from taking medications.

Susan Marie, PMHNP, PhD, CARN-AP, expert clinician, prescriber and presenter, will give you practical, evidence-based strategies to use immediately in your practice. This is the “toolbox” you’ll turn to time and again. You will learn critical information about medications – but far more useful information than you might learn in typical “Psychopharm” trainings (or Dr. Google!)

The unique focus of this seminar is that it increases your skills to help clients with the vulnerable, and challenging, process of choosing to take and then whether to stay on psychiatric medications, and then when and how to stop them.

For example, if your client is benefiting some from their antidepressant, but hates the hassle, what do you do? And say, or not say? And what if they have suicidal thoughts?

From this seminar, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to effectively:

determine potentially dangerous side effects
recognize threats to self-image and other stigma triggered by psychiatric medication
understand the interaction of medication and suicidality
increase client motivation to consider medication, and stay on medication that is working
communicate the dangers of treating to response without remission.
And that’s only the beginning.

You’ll also get new language options for your toolbox for asking the critical, but difficult questions and for alerting clients to potential dangers. Plus, tools for measuring progress that are client friendly and increase treatment results, and even includes do’s and don’t strategies for interacting with prescribing colleagues.


Susan Marie, PhD, PMHNP, CARN-AP 精神科執業護士,擁有成癮專家認證,超過 30 年臨床經驗,客戶包括自殺傾向、同時發生成癮、無家可歸、嚴重精神疾病、創傷性腦損傷和持續性疼痛狀況。她對患有嚴重精神疾病和成癮人徹底尊重,精通精神藥理學,以及為患有創傷障礙、成癮和慢性疼痛客戶整合心理治療。Marie 博士是俄勒岡州波特蘭市 Old Town Clinic、Central City Concern 的行為健康高級臨床主任和俄勒岡健康與科學大學副教授。