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Because individuals on the autism spectrum have Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits, they struggle with pragmatic interaction skills, organized and coherent conversations, engaging in appropriate turn-taking, and inferring what others might do, think and feel. To address their social/communication deficits clinicians must discern their ToM abilities.

Join internationally renowned expert Carol Westby, PhD, CCC-SLP, as she guides you through:

Current research on neural bases for emotional understanding and theory of mind
Developmental stages of theory of mind from infancy through adolescence
Assessment and intervention implications for ToM deficits and how to intervene with infants through school-age children
Given the role of Theory of Mind (ToM) in social and academic functioning in persons with autism and the rapid increase in our understanding of the neurological and environmental factors that contribute to ToM, it is important that we recognize delays and deficits in ToM.


Carol Westby博士,CCC-SLP,BCS-CL,ASDCS,國際知名兒童遊戲評估和發展專家。她是著名 Westby Symbolic Play Scale 的開發者,這是一種基於研究的量表,用於評估兒童的社交和遊戲技能。Westby 博士編寫並實施了支持人員準備、臨床服務和研究的項目,包括 Project PLAY(幼兒遊戲和語言協調),該項目培訓看護者以促進遊戲、心理理論和語言的發展。Westby 博士是美國語言聽力協會 (ASHA) 會員,獲得兒童語言和識字障礙方面委員會認證,並獲得日內瓦學院和愛荷華大學語言病理學系頒發的傑出校友獎和聽力學、ASHA 多元文化事務貢獻獎、ASHA 榮譽和 Kleffner 終身臨床職業獎。韋斯特比博士在國內和國際上發表和發表的主題包括遊戲、自傳體記憶、心智理論、語言讀寫關係、敘事/說明性發展和促進、不良童年經歷、屏幕時間、創傷、元認知/執行功能和評估對文化/語言不同的人群進行干預。她曾諮詢過新墨西哥州聾人幼兒園,該幼兒園採用以遊戲為基礎的課程。Westby 博士是南澳大利亞弗林德斯大學的客座教授,在那裡她從事語言/識字課程,並在楊百翰大學擔任 SEEL 顧問,SEEL 是一個系統的、引人入勝的緊急識字計劃,採用有趣的練習。她是新墨西哥州阿爾伯克基的雙語多元文化服務顧問,並在猶他州普羅沃的楊百翰大學擔任溝通障礙方面的附屬職務。Westby 博士被認證為自閉症譜系障礙臨床專家 (ASDCS)。