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Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder often present with behavioral challenges that make it difficult for them to regulate their feelings. Their frequent meltdowns can hold a family and therapeutic progress hostage and force everyone to walk on eggshells. In this session, you’ll learn how best to understand these moments of dysregulation and manage one’s own emotions in order to get better outcomes with children.

Join autism expert Jed Baker, Ph.D, and learn concrete strategies to deescalate meltdowns in the moment, design effective behavior plans to prevent these moments, and reduce frustration and anxiety are covered in depth.


Jed Baker 博士動態而全面的演講對所有家庭成員和專業人士都非常有價值,這些人與自閉症譜系障礙、注意力缺陷障礙、學習障礙、情緒和焦慮障礙以及影響社會情感功能的其他問題打交道。他的作品曾在 ABC 新聞和夜間熱線報導過!