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貨號: K04-21-042 分類: , ,


Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with smart technology. The use of screens is not just impacting social skills and human interaction, it’s compromising neurosensory development!

As learning and leisure time becomes increasingly screen-based, children are over-using their visual systems at the expense of exploring the environment and activating their senses for learning through movement. While the impact of screens on social interactions and self-esteem are being increasingly recognized, clinicians and educators need to understand the potential implications as it relates to neurosensory development.

As clinicians and educators, we are equipped with many programs and interventions based on neurodevelopmental principles. Now, we need to apply them in the context of an increasingly digital world.

Treating requires a new framework to ensure we activate the senses for learning and model the habits of success. This is especially true for children with ADHD, Autism, LD, sensory processing, and motor deficits, who, at baseline, require more opportunities for multi-sensory integration to increase attention and enhance brain development for learning than their neurotypical peers.

In this program, you will enhance your existing therapeutic techniques to:

Determine a child’s digital and sensory-learning profile to inform treatment planning
Identify the influence of smart technology and screen time on neuroplasticity in children with ADHD, LD, Autism, and SPD
Rebalance the brain-body connection through controlled activation of multiple senses
Optimize connection and cognition while supporting recovery from dysregulation and digital overload
Instill the habits of success: mindset, state regulation, and movement


Aubrey Schmalle,OTR/L,SIPT,Tomatis 顧問,職業治療師,在感覺統合和學習領域提供先進臨床評估。她於 2003 年畢業波士頓大學,獲得職業治療學士學位,通過自學、指導、感覺統合理論和實踐認證以及 Tomatis Method 托瑪迪斯認知發展訓練方法和聽覺治療提高臨床知識。2011 年,她開設私人職業治療診所,為自閉症、多動症、閱讀障礙、書寫障礙和執行功能缺陷等感覺處理障礙和相關殘疾提供綜合評估和治療。她擁有先進視覺前庭整合治療技術知識,治療姿勢性眼部和功能性視覺技能缺陷,解決導致閱讀障礙和書寫困難感覺運動知覺因素。她在康涅狄格州費爾菲爾德縣提供獨立教育職業治療評估,並與學校團隊協商提供相關治療技術。2018 年春季,她在波蘭華沙舉行Tomatis Method 托瑪迪斯認知發展訓練國際大會展示使用 Tomatis 方法和感覺綜合職業療法案例研究。2015 年,她撰寫了《身體激活學習手冊》,並繼續根據身體激活學習™ 方法為教育工作者和相關服務專業人員開發編程、教育支持和培訓。她向教育工作者、治療師和護士介紹感官處理對學習和發展影響,並幫助他們優化課堂和治療策略,以使用 Body Activated LearningTM 支持神經學多樣化的一代。最近,她在 CT 發育障礙護理協會介紹了在與患有自閉症和發育障礙的成年人一起工作時使用身體激活學習來增強編程和促進獨立性。