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Our geriatric patients are complex to care for. There are often multiple layers of diagnoses. Sometimes there are unwanted – and preventable – side effects from the medications prescribed.

I can imagine that there have been times in the past that you, too, wished you had been able to do more when you witnessed the patient’s frustrations, the fears, and the behaviors.

You could be assigned to care for a patient experiencing significant agitation, sleep difficulties, suicidal ideation, chronic conditions to manage and polypharmacy concerns – all during your next shift. How can you ensure that you are properly prepared? Earn your Geriatric Certificate!

Watch me, Nanette Lavoie-Vaughan, MSN, ANPCP- DNP, as I share with you the proven best practices I have accumulated throughout my years assessing and treating patients in acute care, long term care and home health roles. I have created this comprehensive 2-day educational event based on what I’ve found to be the most challenging diagnoses and stressful geriatric situations.

Purchase today and you will also receive bonus materials, packed with helpful tools and the latest guidelines from The American Geriatric Society, The Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association and the American Psychiatric Association.

The last year has been trying. For our patients, their families and all of us on the frontlines. I want to make this training helpful and enjoyable. You will learn through a combination of the latest evidence, sheer ingenuity and heartfelt passion. As I share real patient stories and case studies, you will leave with a clear understanding of what a difference we can all make.


Nanette Lavoie-Vaughan,MSN,ANPPC-C,DNP,北卡羅來納州羅利老年神經精神病學服務中心擔任臨床醫生。她在老年病領域擁有超過 30 年經驗。此前,她專注於老年/癡呆症護理專業,曾在各種環境中擔任執業護士、主任和護士長。東卡羅來納大學護理學院臨床助理教授、UNCG 的臨床講師和范德比爾特大學護理學院的兼職教員,Nanette 與其他人分享了她的知識。Nanette 曾在國內和國際上就癡呆症、疼痛管理、護理人員問題以及長期護理的特定主題發表過演講。她是 Eldercare:The Comprehensive Guide to Caregiving 和新的循證臨床實踐指南作者,該指南針對癡呆症行為問題非藥物管理。她的專業知識和研究通過在北美診所以及書籍章節和在線繼續教育模塊中發表的作品得到認可。Nanette 還擔任多家律師事務所的專家證人和 Sigma Theta Tau 教師導師。她的教育成就包括佛羅里達州立大學的 MSN、范德比爾特大學的 DNP 和斯坦福大學民族老年學博士後獎學金。