Many persons diagnosed with ADHD prefer not to take medication. There are various reasons for this including side effects and concerns with long-term use. In this seminar, you will learn more about these reasons, as well as alternative interventions for ADHD.
Looking at ADHD from a developmental perspective, we will consider reasons for the apparent increase in ADHD diagnoses over the past two decades. By understanding the way the brain works in ADHD, you will be able to better identify a variety of strategies to significantly impact the nervous system and positively influence symptoms of ADHD in your clients.
Not only will you walk away with information about some of the most common non-medication interventions for ADHD such as computerized cognitive training, mindfulness meditation and neurofeedback, you will also learn a variety of practical strategies that can be implemented immediately and at low cost.
We will navigate the vast research on exercise, movement, diet, sleep, disruptive technologies, supplements and the impact of the environment on ADHD, summarizing the findings and applying the information to “real life.” You will leave this seminar with the tools and knowledge to develop a holistic approach to working with adults and children with ADHD.
斯蒂芬妮·莫爾頓·薩爾基斯 (Stephanie Moulton Sarkis) 博士,NCC、DCMHS、LMHC,是暢銷書作家和心理治療師,專門研究焦慮、煤氣燈、自戀虐待和多動症。她是多本書作者,包括暢銷書《煤氣燈:識別操縱和情感虐待的人 – 和掙脫束縛》和《成人注意力障礙的 10 個簡單解決方案:如何克服慢性注意力分散和實現你的目標》。她被美國心理健康顧問協會任命為兒童和青少年諮詢專業的文憑和臨床心理健康專家,是美國僅有的 20 名獲得此雙重稱號的專業人士之一。Sarkis 博士還是國家認證諮詢師、持證心理健康諮詢師和佛羅里達州最高法院認證的家庭和巡迴調解員。Sarkis 博士是 Sarkis Institute 創始人,專門研究共病焦慮症和 ADHD 的治療。她是《福布斯》、《今日心理學》和《赫芬頓郵報》的撰稿人。她的今日心理學文章已被瀏覽超過 2600 萬次。她擁有佛羅里達大學心理健康諮詢專業的博士學位、教育學博士學位和醫學碩士學位,該大學被《美國新聞與世界報導》評為全國頂尖的心理諮詢師教育項目。Sarkis 博士出現在 CNN、Dan Harris .Happier、Sirius XM Doctor Radio、ABC(美國)、ABC(澳大利亞)以及更多媒體上。