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貨號: M25-22-002 分類: , ,


Systemic racism is a public health crisis.
There has been a call from our patients, co-workers, neighbors and friends for awareness and action. As health care providers we’ll answer that call in our hospitals, clinics and colleges. We’ll venture into the world’s biggest hurdle – coming to grips with inequities in health and care.
Beth Lincoln, MSN, NP, RN, CTN-A is a Certified Transcultural Nurse – Advanced, a Women & Family Nurse Practitioner and leading expert into culture and race. She is eager to share from her vast experiences and knowledge. She will inspire your own cultural competence through the delivery of sensitive and effective health care.
Through this intense training, you will discover creative strategies to gain awareness, competence and confidence to address the needs of our most vulnerable populations. Self-reflect to discover your own history, culture, beliefs/values, assumptions and biases. As open and honest conversations take place, we can demonstrate greater compassion for one another that ultimately contribute to a broader transformation within our healthcare systems.

By embracing cultural and racial awareness, common ground will be established. Inclusive and equitable environments will then give way. Ms. Lincoln encourages each of us to celebrate every individual, as a unique opportunity to share the colorful history we all represent. A rich fabric unfolds as we weave our diverse strands together. Only together can we seek to deliver equitable healthcare – to all.


貝絲·林肯 (Beth Lincoln) 是跨文化護士、女性和家庭護士,也是《共同點的思考》一書的作者……醫療保健中的文化意識。林肯女士目前擔任跨文化護理學會國際主席。此外,她還是跨文化交流研究所跨文化發展清單管理員。作為一名執業護士,她為不同人群提供了臨床醫療保健和專業教育。Lincoln 女士進行了廣泛的介紹,分享了她廣泛的理解,並激勵其他人努力培養提供敏感和有效的醫療保健的文化能力。Lincoln 女士是 Celemonde! 的創始人,這是一家面向醫療保健、學術和商業機構和個人的文化意識教育者。通往反思和發現的途徑,Celmonde!方式讓不同的專業人士參與新的對話,以更好地了解文化問題如何影響他們的效率和決策,並在他們的工作場所造成衝突。通過提高文化意識,我們可以打開通向共同目標和更好理解的大門。林肯女士鼓勵我們每個人都慶祝每一個人,因為這是一個獨特的機會,可以分享我們所有人所代表的豐富多彩的歷史,以及我們可以通過將不同的股線編織在一起而成為豐富的面料。