Have you ever encountered these patient situations in your practice?
Margaret, age 82, comes to your office for a screening colonoscopy. She is very healthy and has never had a previous screening colonoscopy. Should she have one?
Joan, age 74, had a normal screening colonoscopy 3 years ago and now has rectal bleeding. She asks you what to do now.
Sam, age 86, has been hospitalized twice in the past three years for bleeding duodenal ulcers. He stopped his Proton Pump Inhibitor because he read that it causes dementia and heart attacks…
In just one hour of time…discover the answers to these and many other GI dilemmas from expert Peter Buch, MD, FACG, AGAF, FACP. Dr. Buch’s approach is case based, practical, very interactive and fun. You are guaranteed to acquire new clinical tools and insights to help you address the unique GI challenges with your geriatric patients.
Peter Buch 是臨床胃腸病學家,擁有 30 多年專業經驗。他在長島猶太希爾賽德醫療中心完成了內科實習和住院醫師培訓,以及胃腸病學研究金。他目前在康涅狄格州的曼徹斯特執業,在那裡他組建了一支治療所有胃腸道疾病的團隊。“我們為每位患者提供他們需要的時間和護理而感到自豪,”布赫博士說。這導致了出色的患者評估和更好的結果。Buch 博士對教學充滿熱情。他的專業知識已與經驗豐富的臨床醫生和高級學生分享。他在康涅狄格大學醫學院、新英格蘭大學骨科醫學院、Frank H Netter 醫學院/昆尼皮亞克大學和康涅狄格大學 APRN 學院任教。布赫博士的風格以案例為主,實用性強,互動性強,趣味性強。完成他的研討會後,您將擁有一個包含新臨床理念的虛擬工具箱。