
專家講座2878-高級心臟救命術 ACLS Megacode 證照-心臟急診技術


貨號: M31-22-002 分類: ,


ACLS classes and actual real-life codes are often a HUGE source of anxiety for healthcare providers.

Not to mention, the AHA guidelines have just been updated. We all know what that means…new standards and classes are coming!

I will share from my many years as an emergency, critical care, flight and trauma nurse, to lead the way to new guidelines, new strategies and new thinking. Get ready to make ACLS FUN, get your megacode mojo on, and totally…ROCK THE RESUS! This course will absolutely prepare you to CRUSH your mandatory certification classes!

But even more important than tackling your next ACLS Exam, are you ready for your next real-life code? After all, when a patient’s life is literally on the line, there cannot be any delays or second guessing. We need to proceed with confidence and solid understanding of the latest standards to guide our practice decisions.

When you reflect back on code’s you have been involved in, do you wonder if you did all the right things? We all do…. I am going to teach you how to master Psychological Safety, Just Culture and Human Factors to deep learn pathophysiology, how to translate that next level knowledge into clinical practice and how to function as part of a high performance team. Don’t wait another minute….to Master The MegaCode!


Sean G. Smith,C-EFM、C-NPT、FP-C、RNC-NIC、CEN、CFRN、CPEN、CCRN-CMC(成人)、CCRN-K(新生兒)、CCRN-K(兒科),曾在軍方教授創傷護理、戰術醫學、急救/重症監護和院前急救醫療服務飛行護理。他擁有護理和分子生物學學位,畢業於杜克大學法律護士諮詢,目前在佛羅里達大學藥學院攻讀碩士學位。擁有多項高級專業證書以及重症監護和急救醫學講師資格。職業亮點包括眾多作者/合著者學分,包括:暢銷的實驗室醫學教科書、創傷護理核心課程中關於休克的一章,以及新發布復甦危機手冊中部分。Sean 為眾多知名醫院系統(耶魯、梅奧……)提供臨床、法律和認證諮詢。他經常在國家/國際會議上發表演講,完成了 50 多項醫療任務(多米尼加共和國、洪都拉斯、摩洛哥、利比里亞和海地),並為 NASA 航天飛機計劃提供醫療支持。