


貨號: K01-22-001 分類: ,


Being an educator is both rewarding and stressful! These days there are high levels of accountability and so many demands on teachers’ time it can feel like the endless tasks and expectations can deplete all energy leaving you with little left.

Still, we depend on you to be a positive guiding force in our children’s lives – often playing simultaneous roles as educator, parent, mental health counselor, and caring friend.

For you to fulfill these vital roles, it’s abundantly clear that you need to develop resiliency both inside and outside the classroom.

Watch me, Lisa Baylis, MEd, teacher, counselor, facilitator, and author of Self-Compassion for Educators: Mindful Practices to Awaken Your Well-Being and Grow Resilience as I show you firsthand how to be kind and loving toward yourself and how to prioritize and sustain your well-being through self-awareness and self-compassion…

…to not only show up, but show up with compassion and kindness rather than criticism.

Permission to be kind to yourself – allowing you to show up less stressed.

There has never been a time in history when educators have felt such overwhelming levels of stress, burnout, and exhaustion! We’ll unpack the research on teacher stress, the impact on the body and brain and design a plan to create habits and structures of well-being in and out of the classroom!


麗莎·貝利斯 (Lisa Baylis) 醫學博士 20 年來分享健康策略。她是一位天生的聯絡人,具有讓人們感到被重視和被傾聽的天生能力,她是一名教師、學校輔導員、促進者和母親。Lisa 受過正念自我慈悲先驅 Chris Germer 和 Kristin Neff 的培訓,也是正念自我慈悲 (MSC) 教師。她通俗易懂且包容的演講使她享有盛譽,成為北美教育工作者最值得信賴的自我同情專家之一。