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專家講座2883-評估.治療兒童.青少年執行功能EF 缺陷


貨號: K04-22-001 分類: , ,


Watch this experiential program and learn evidence-based cognitive, physical and environmental strategies to help kids and teens take their Executive Function (EF) skills to the next level!

Easily integrated into any classroom, clinic, or home, these strategies promote self-regulation to allow students to attend and recall what they are learning, and then to be able to expand into higher level executive functions throughout the day. Most importantly, you will learn how to use goal attainment scaling to take your performance building strategies to build habits and routines—the key to independence and success!

You will learn proven skill-building and power driver interventions that are quick, individualized, and easy to use! Leave the day being able to implement:

A model of impulse control, working memory and flexible thinking as a lens for quick EF assessment and intervention
Classroom-friendly strategies to address sensory arousal and attention to build selfregulation
Performance focused interventions to promote organization, time management, and task completion
Brain-based techniques to increase mental shifting, enhance memory, and rev up learning
Strategies for sensory processing, arousal states, mindfulness and sleep to enhance recall, and increase retention of information
Techniques to increase self-awareness, self-monitoring and problem-solving skills
Environmental strategies to create an optimal learning landscape


Nicole R. Quint,OT 博士,OTR/L,職能治療師,在兒科實踐方面擁有超過 15 年的經驗,專攻感覺處理、執行功能技能、行為策略和社交情緒學習。她的臨床實踐包括在醫院、家庭保健、門診和學校環境中工作。Quint 博士目前是 Nova Southeastern University 職能治療系副教授,自 2009 年以來在碩士和博士課程中提供指導。她提供專門針對學校宣傳、組織衝突評估、領導力、項目開發和評估的諮詢服務,以及創新實踐的發展。她的研究重點包括患有感覺加工障礙、自閉症和視力的成年人,以及基於感覺的干預。Quint 博士制定了促進感官處理的計劃,作為學習、社交情感學習和發展的基礎,以促進所有領域的表現。她在地方、州和國家會議平台上有廣泛的影響力,包括第 7 區南方職業治療組;佛羅里達職業治療協會 (FOTA);美國職業治療協會 (AOTA);兒科年會部分;兒科物理治療學會年會(SoPAC、APPTA);以及在 2018 年的加拿大職業治療會議上發表演講。Quint 博士通過 OccupationalTherapy.com、Arizona Autism、PhysicalTherapy.com、Audiology.com、TheraCare AZ 為繼續教育提供專業發展培訓。Quint 博士領導位於佛羅里達州戴維的“了解 SPD 家長支持小組”,該小組致力於為患有 SPD 的家庭提供教育、宣傳和支持。她是 It Just Makes Sense 的共同創始人,這是一項由撥款資助的專業發展計劃,面向在全國第六大學區布勞沃德縣公立學校工作的職業和物理治療師。Quint 博士正在完成她的衝突分析和解決博士學位,重點研究與殘疾和系統相關的衝突,包括特殊教育、法律系統和醫療保健。