專家講座2892-癡呆症非藥物治療-正念.依戀理論. 5 Love Language

英文發音.無字幕.2021.3 片DVD

貨號: OP08-22-001 分類:


If you are a healthcare professional who works with people living with dementia, you’ve probably thought to yourself…I just can’t understand what’s going on in their brain. Through this innovative recording, you will gain new skills to transform the way you approach dementia-related behaviors:

Manage unmet emotional, relational, and behavioral challenges in people living with dementia
Realize new solutions for challenging behaviors, using knowledge of attachment theory, attachment loss, and separation distress as a root cause
Gain strategies for embodied, sensory-based mindfulness to use with people living with dementia
Facilitate desired emotional love connections and bonds between those with dementia and their caregivers
Frustration-ending alternatives to manage agitation, aggression, and other challenging behaviors in dementia – without the use of antipsychotic and other drugs
Join dementia expert Edward G. Shaw, MD, MA, nationally known physician, counselor, author, and speaker, for a dynamic recording filled with insightful discussions, interactive learning, and application of practical techniques. You will finish this program feeling confident that you can identify the root cause of challenging behaviors and implement solutions to facilitate emotional connections.


Edward G. Shaw醫學博士,文學碩士,接受過醫生和​​心理健康顧問雙重培訓。他是已故妻子麗貝卡初級保健夥伴,麗貝卡於 2008 年被診斷出患有早發性阿爾茨海默病,享年 53 歲,並在 9 年的旅程後於 2016 年去世。在 Mayo Clinic 接受培訓後,曾在 Mayo 和維克森林醫學院擔任執業學術放射腫瘤學家 23 年。2010 年,受 Rebecca 旅程啟發,他的醫學興趣轉向癡呆症診斷和治療,並在心理健康諮詢方面接受了額外培訓, 2011 年創立記憶諮詢計劃,該計劃是老年學和老年醫學科和 Sticht 中心的一部分在北卡羅來納州溫斯頓-塞勒姆的維克森林浸信會健康中心開展健康老齡化和阿爾茨海默病預防研究。該計劃為受阿爾茨海默病或其他類型癡呆症影響的個人、夫婦和家庭提供服務。

Edward 與 Gary Chapman 博士和 Deborah Barr, 2016 年共同撰寫《隨著記憶的消退而保持愛的活力:5 種愛的語言和阿爾茨海默氏症之旅》,其中描述了他照顧麗貝卡的感人個人故事以及對五種愛的創新使用癡呆症諮詢。他其他著作《癡呆症護理合作夥伴工作手冊》和《癡呆症護理合作夥伴支持小組領導者手冊》於 2019 年 6 月發行。