Watch this Intensive Workshop and transform your ability to heal anxiety, stress and trauma, sleep, eating disorders, addiction, and pain.
You will leave this high-impact workshop immediately able to apply the following hypnosis skills in your practice:
Go into self-hypnosis
Work with a partner to do a pre-trance interview to discover abilities and help for individualizing in trance
Induce trance
Use direct and indirect suggestion
Deepen trance with hypnotic phenomena
Elicit relaxation and calm
Activate positive unconscious processes
Successfully end trance
By working indirectly and unconsciously in hypnosis, you bypass your client’s conscious limitations and enlist resources to help resolve entrenched problems.
The unconscious is a reservoir of potential, and hypnosis is the way to access that potential. Neurological pathways function automatically and can be engaged and used to help heal disorders that might be difficult to do deliberately and consciously.
This is your opportunity for personal self-transformation as you also learn about hypnotic techniques that can be applied in your own life!
If you are new to hypnosis, you will gain the skills you need to start using hypnosis in your practice. And if you are an experienced hypnotherapist, you will add innovative methods to enhance your work. With the latest research, case examples, guided trance experiences, opportunities to work with trance induction, helpful handouts, protocols, and a clear understanding of hypnotic effects in the brain – this workshop will inform, uplift, and transform your clinical practice.
Eric K. Willmarth 博士是心理催眠協會(APA 第 30 部)的主席,也是美國臨床催眠協會和臨床與實驗催眠協會的前任主席。他在臨床實踐中使用催眠超過 40 年,其中包括 30 多年的慢性疼痛管理。Willmarth 博士是賽布魯克大學綜合醫學與健康科學學院應用心理生理學系主任。他負責監督 Saybrook 的催眠證書課程,其中包括基礎、中級和高級催眠課程,他經常在國內和國際催眠會議和研討會上發表演講和主旨演講。他是美國心理學會頒發的專業催眠傑出貢獻獎和臨床和實驗催眠協會頒發的 Ericka Fromm 卓越教學獎的獲得者。