


貨號: M09-22-002 分類: ,


Working with stroke patients is deeply meaningful and incredibly rewarding. And you strive to help each client who’s counting on you to facilitate the improvements that can change their lives.

But some patients are so impaired that treatment becomes overwhelming. Others make exceptional gains in clinical settings, only to hit a wall in less controlled environments. As time passes without results, even the most promising patient can feel the sun setting on the person she used to be, growing disengaged and depressed – convinced she can’t progress further with therapy.

If you’re not up to speed on the latest treatment strategies, she might be right.

Learn how to apply innovative techniques that completely define what’s possible for your patients in this intensive, hands-on live webcast! Built on today’s best practices, this recording will show you highly effective tools and strategies that have helped countless survivors leave their limitations behind, even 20 years post-stroke.


Benjamin White, PT, DPT, C/NDT, LSVT BIG,中風康復專家,在德克薩斯州非營利性醫療機構擔任首席神經治療師。畢業於德克薩斯大學健康科學中心物理治療博士,多年來治療多種神經系統疾病,從腦震盪和前庭疾病到中風、帕金森氏症和吉蘭-巴利綜合徵。White 博士屢獲殊榮臨床講師,也是著名中風康復全國演講人,發表多篇關於神經可塑性和中風主題文章。他還在神經發育治療 (NDT) 出版委員會任職,並且是布拉索斯谷帕金森協會聯合主席。