When kids experience trauma or other negative life events such as abuse, neglect, bullying, racism, violence, or educational difficulties, they often hold powerful negative beliefs about themselves, such as “I’m broken”, “I’m unlovable”, or “It was my fault”.
As a therapist, you know that play is a child’s natural language for expressing emotions, processing experiences, and resolving internal conflict. But did you know that you can expand this work further by incorporating Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy into your session? By weaving the essence of IFS, parts work, with play therapy interventions, you can help kids conceptualize themselves and their experiences in a healthier way.
Watch Carmen Jimenez-Pride, LCSW, RPT-S, and Certified IFS Therapist, as she expertly pairs the therapeutic power of play with the non-pathologizing, flexible approach of IFS. Through expert explanation and demonstration, Carmen will teach you how to integrate these two powerful therapy methods so you can help young clients:
Release shame as they explore and make sense of their internal sensations and experiences
Give voice to all their “parts”, none of which are bad or wrong
Express and process painful emotions, urges, and memories without assigning blame or shame to them
Unhook from distressing beliefs about themselves and their experiences
Enhance social relationships, foster emotional wellness, and build on personal strengths
Develop cognitive flexibility and reframe self-doubt
And so much more!
Carmen Jimenez-Pride 是 Focus on Feelings® 創造性思維,這是一門情感素養課程,她是臨床社會工作者、註冊遊戲治療師主管、認證 AutPlay® 治療提供者、認證 EMDR 治療師、註冊兒童瑜伽老師、認證內部家庭系統治療師和經過認證的 LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® 輔導員。Carmen 是一名創傷治療師,在對具有不同文化背景的兒童、青少年和成人進行臨床治療方面經驗豐富,解決了廣泛的問題。Carmen 在心理健康領域的職業生涯超過 15 年。卡門是一位國際演說家、屢獲殊榮的暢銷書作家和商業顧問。她是治療界的遠見卓識者,致力於創造和開發範圍廣泛的教育工具,以幫助臨床醫生和客戶實現最佳目標。Carmen 專注於文化謙遜和文化多樣性,教育臨床專業人員在他們的臨床實踐中解決種族和文化創傷。卡門目前擔任南卡羅來納州遊戲治療協會主席,並獲得了 2021 年遊戲治療協會新興領袖獎。她還擔任內部沙盤治療協會的多元化和包容性主任。Carmen 是 Diversity in Play Therapy Inc. 的開發者;和遊戲治療峰會的多樣性。她還是 Focus on Feelings® 的開發者和發行者。