


貨號: M30-22-006 分類: ,


The shoulder is complex, but with this simple framework, you’ll accelerate your patient outcomes! With easy to integrate assessment techniques that incorporate the entire kinetic chain, you’ll explore evidence-based strategies to address the most common shoulder injuries you see in clinic.

Dr. Reid Nelles will give you a step-by-step guide where you’ll learn:

How to quickly identify the root cause of impairment; structural, muscular, or neuro?
Expert guidance on which techniques yield the best results
Progression and regression strategies to help every type of shoulder patient you treat
Manual therapy, stabilization, mobilization, strength, ROM, myofascial cupping, compression strategies, kinesiology taping concepts, corrective exercise strategies – it’s all here!

Filled with live demonstrations and applications of cutting-edge techniques, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to break free of the ‘norm’ and reach a new level of success. Watch today to feel more confident in your ability to treat even the most complex shoulder injuries.


里德.內爾斯Reid Nelles脊椎治療師


目前在明尼蘇達州經營Minnesota Movement診所。

本影片包括里德.內爾斯Reid Nelles現場體育整脊指壓治療演示和尖端技術應用,觀看後可增進您治療運動員複雜肩部損傷信心。