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貨號: K04-22-006 分類: , ,


When it comes to the “uncontrollable” child—who may have a diagnosis of ODD, DMDD, ADHD, severe impulse control, or emotional dysregulation—the rules are different…

…and it requires a powerful set of skills and tools, used at exactly the right time, to help them and their parents get unstuck and go from escalating emotions to the balance of acceptance and change.

Watch Matis Miller, LCSW, parent training expert and author of the groundbreaking book, The Uncontrollable Child, as he guides you through the most effective DBT-based techniques to help parents understand their child’s behavior, define their child’s strengths and challenges, and see the tools they have.

In this comprehensive parent training, you’ll learn how to skillfully integrate targeted strategies and practices for acceptance, mindfulness, validation, behavior-change and limit-setting that’ll empower parents to revolutionize their parenting skills and restore peace, limits and love with their children. Watch and you’ll confidently be able to:

Relate effectively to the struggles and thought patterns of children and parents
Identify and overcome the roadblocks that hinder progress
Teach parents to manage their own behavior
Decrease noncompliant, disruptive, and aggressive behavior in children
Ensure the child feels loved, accepted, and understood
And more!


Matis Miller,LCSW,ACT,DBT-LBC,臨床社會工作者和認知行為治療師,擁有 15 年經驗,專門研究青少年和成人的嚴重情緒和人格障礙、失眠和焦慮症。他是新澤西州認知與行為治療中心創始人、主任和主管。Matis 令人印象深刻的教育和培訓背景包括認知療法學院和貝克認知行為療法研究所 CBT 認證。他獲得 DBT-Linehan 辯證行為療法認證委員會新開發認證。Matis 在 CBT 方面的經驗以及在 DBT 和圖式療法方面的強化培訓迫使他創建了該中心並選擇了最優秀的治療師來完善他的團隊。他是 CBT 和 DBT 相關主題的經驗豐富的講師,面向家長、客戶和專業人士,目前主要專注於監督、教育和諮詢。Matis 是暢銷書《無法控制的孩子:用辯證行為技巧理解和管理孩子的破壞性情緒》(2021 年)的作者。