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貨號: K04-22-007 分類: , ,


Leaving nothing to the abstract, “75 Quick, ‘On-The-Spot’ Techniques for Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Problems” will guide you through focused, clear and successful methods for treating children. Every professional who seeks to fill their toolbox with tested methods will leave this seminar with a wealth of fresh ideas and rejuvenated spirits.

If you do not have a lot of experience working with children and teens, you will leave with a defined strategy for success. If you are a seasoned professional, you will learn new tricks and techniques to re-energize and revitalize your practice!

With nearly 25 years of clinical experience and a background in improvisational comedy, Dr. Steve is a strong proponent of “Edu-tainment.” Namely, he uses charm, wit and humor to enhance your seminar experience, thus improving the retention and utilization of the specific skills covered. We change the world when we touch a child’s life!


史蒂文 T. 奧利瓦斯 (Steven T. Olivas)博士,HSP,全國知名演說家、作家和行為顧問,田納西州中部私人執業心理學家。他於 1991 年開始他的執業生涯,當時多動症正在爆發,並且從那時起,他就喜歡與孩子們的活力和自發創造力一起工作。在他的整個職業生涯中,他曾在九所學院和大學教授課程,是一名全國公共演講者,當地一家報紙的定期專欄作家,以及一個受歡迎的廣播節目的聯合主持人。他是《當好孩子變壞:問題行為的有效解決方案》(2012 年)和廣受好評的書《壞孩子……還是壞行為?》(2008 年)的作者。近 25 年來,他一直在幫助全國各地的臨床醫生、學校系統和家長了解和管理最有可能以沖動和攻擊性方式行事的兒童和青少年。