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貨號: K11-22-011 分類: , ,


Attachments are not easily made by those who experience disrupted early attachments, and typically only develop after significant struggle, ambivalence, and taking tentative steps towards connection – as not to alienate.

Of course, the other side of the coin is that once making such hard-earned connections, giving them up at termination is another significant therapeutic challenge (Gil & Crenshaw, 2017).

Join David Crenshaw, PhD, RPT-S, as he teaches you how to…

  • Use an invitational approach to attachment trauma in youth
  • The Concept of Relational Trauma (Allan Schore, 2012) and its contribution to potential cumulative deprivation throughout life
  • Adopt Stealth Therapy in work with these reluctant youth
  • Plan for and work through the Crisis of Connection
  • Utilize the analogy of Fawns in Gorilla Suits in therapeutic work with youth and caregivers, teachers, and families
  • Prepare for and work through grief and loss issues at termination


當然,硬幣的另一面是,一旦建立了來之不易的聯繫,在終止時放棄它們是另一個重大的治療挑戰(Gil & Crenshaw,2017)。

加入 RPT-S 的 David Crenshaw 博士,他將教您如何……

關係創傷的概念(Allan Schore,2012)及其對終生潛在累積剝奪的貢獻


David A. Crenshaw, PhD, ABPP, RPT-S, is Clinical Director of the Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie. He is Past-President of the New York Association for Play Therapy, a Board-Certified Clinical Psychologist; a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychology, and a Registered Play Therapy Supervisor. Dr. Crenshaw has taught graduate courses in play therapy at Columbia University and Johns Hopkins University. He was honored with the Excellence in Psychology Award in 2009, and a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012 by the Hudson Valley Psychological Association. In 2018, he was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the NY Association for Play and in 2021 was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the NY Association for Play Therapy. The author/editor/co-editor of 17 books, numerous book chapters, and journal articles on child aggression, play therapy and child trauma, his latest book co-edited with Cathy Malchiodi is What to Do When Children Clam-Up in Psychotherapy and a book co-written with Eliana Gil titled Termination Challenges in Child Psychotherapy.


David A. Crenshaw博士,ABPP,RPT-S,是波基普西兒童之家臨床主任。他是紐約遊戲治療協會前任主席,臨床心理學家;美國心理學會會員,兒童和青少年心理學部,註冊遊戲治療主管。克倫肖博士曾在哥倫比亞大學和約翰霍普金斯大學教授遊戲治療研究生課程。他於 2009 年榮獲卓越心理學獎,並於 2012 年榮獲哈德遜河谷心理學協會頒發的終身成就獎。2018 年,他獲得了紐約遊戲協會授予的終身成就獎,並於 2021 年獲得了紐約遊戲治療協會授予的終身成就獎。17 本書的作者/編輯/共同編輯,許多書籍章節和關於兒童攻擊的期刊文章,當孩子們在心理治療中陷入困境時該怎麼辦,以及與 Eliana Gil 合著的一本名為《兒童心理治療中的終止挑戰》的書。

Clair Mellenthin,LCSW,RPT-S,國際演說家、作家、心理學家和註冊遊戲治療師主管。在她的整個職業生涯中,她一直專注於為兒童、青少年及其家人提供遊戲治療。她目前是瓦薩奇家庭療法的兒童和青少年主任。Mellenthin 女士經常在國內和國際上就以依戀為中心的遊戲治療、家庭和創傷問題進行專業的遊戲治療和家庭治療培訓。

Mellenthin 女士是一位廣受歡迎的導師,負責培訓研究生和實習生進行遊戲治療,並且是南加州大學 MSW 項目的兼職教員。她是猶他州遊戲治療協會的前任主席,並且仍然是董事會的活躍成員。她是《依戀中心遊戲療法》一書的作者;遊戲療法:治療兒童疾病的引人入勝且強大的技術;我的許多顏色工作簿 ,並撰寫了幾章和文章。除了是一位經驗豐富的遊戲治療師和教授之外,Mellenthin 女士還以兒童和家庭問題專家的身份出現在當地和國家的電視和廣播中。她擁有南加州大學的社會工作碩士學位。