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專家講座3122-肩、膝和髖關節非手術治療.置換術TKA.MIS TKA.四重TKA.CAS與復健治療


貨號: M30-22-016 分類: , , ,


The number of joint replacement procedures performed continues to rapidly increase along with the use of advanced surgical techniques including robotics and computer assisted surgery (CAS). These advances impact far more than the operating room. As a rehab clinician, are you ready to provide CURRENT and PROGRESSIVE rehabilitation for this population? Discover how to help your patient make the most of their “new and bionic” prosthesis to get down on the floor and play with the grandkids, ski, hike and more. Take your patients beyond meeting ROM goals by providing total care to maximize the ability to remain active.

Get the answers and techniques needed to assist the 15-20% of arthroplasty patients that struggle to achieve treatment goals. You will discover solutions such as how best to address:

Total shoulder patients who shrug/hike with overhead ROM
What activities your joint replacement patients can participate in and WHEN
Intra-active functional rehabilitation methods to address stiff or weak total shoulder, hip or knee replacements
Understand current technology and confidently communicate with patients/family members
Additionally, the latest information on PRP, stem cells, viscosupplementation and other non-operative treatments for osteoarthritis will be covered to complete this must attend training you don’t want to miss!

機器人技術和計算機輔助手術 (CAS) 在內的先進手術技術的使用,進行的關節置換手術的數量繼續迅速增加。這些進步的影響遠遠超過手術室。作為一名康復臨床醫生,您準備好為這一人群提供當前和漸進式的康復嗎?了解如何幫助您的患者充分利用他們的“新型仿生”假肢,在地板上與孫子孫女玩耍、滑雪、遠足等。通過提供全面護理以最大限度地保持活躍的能力,讓您的患者超越 ROM 目標。

獲取幫助 15-20% 關節成形術患者難以實現治療目標所需的答案和技術。您將發現解決方案,例如如何最好地解決:

使用過頂 ROM 聳肩/遠足的全肩患者
此外,還將涵蓋有關 PRP、幹細胞、粘液補充劑和其他非手術治療骨關節炎的最新信息


John O’Halloran, PT, DPT, OCS, Cert MDT, is a board certified orthopaedic clinical specialist with over 30 years of experience in the field of orthopedics. Dr. O’Halloran has studied orthopedic and sports therapy abroad in Australia and New Zealand. Dr. O’Halloran, owner of and practices at O’Halloran Rehabilitation, a division of O’Halloran Consulting, LLC. He is credentialed with the McKenzie Institute in the mechanical diagnosis and treatment of the spine and has extensive post graduate training in manipulative therapy of the spine and extremities and is a certified SCTM-1 Practitioner with certificates in SMT-1, SMT-2 and SMT-3 with the American Spinal Manipulative Institute. Dr. O’Halloran is also a certified functional capacity evaluator in the Blankenship Method. He has presented over 1,300 seminars both locally and internationally on various orthopedic and sports medicine topics. In 2014, John was the recipient of Clinician of the Year and Excellence in Clinical Practice Award by the North Carolina Physical Therapy Association. Recently, Dr. O’Halloran’s investigational work on the earlier facilitation of gait in the Total Knee Arthroplasty patient has been cited in a peer-reviewed journal publication.




John W. O’Halloran, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC (retired), CSCS (retired), Cert MDT, Certified SCTM-1 Practitioner,物理治療師和運動訓練師,在康復領域擁有 30 年經驗. 他是美國物理治療協會認證骨科臨床專家。他在坦普爾大學獲得物理治療專業博士學位。O’Halloran 博士是 O’Halloran Rehabilitation 所有者,該公司是 O’Halloran Consulting, LLC 的一個部門。

O’Halloran 博士曾擔任北卡羅來納州格林斯伯勒東南骨科的物理治療/運動醫學主任以及 GOSMC Properties, LLC 共同所有人。他還曾大學和醫院工作。O’Halloran 博士是北卡羅來納州格林斯伯勒市吉爾福德技術社區學院物理治療助理項目前骨科講師。1999 年,他獲得 McKenzie 研究所脊柱機械診斷和治療證書。O’Halloran 博士還是 Blankenship Method 的認證功能能力評估員。他獨特的評估和治療技巧使他成為物理治療和運動訓練主題的臨床講師。

O’Halloran 博士曾在澳大利亞和新西蘭學習骨科和運動療法。他的研究生工作包括徒手治療。他廣泛臨床經驗和繼續深造以及高級研究生培訓使他能夠為患者提供最有根據的康復治療和治療複雜的肌肉骨骼疾病。

約翰被北卡羅來納州物理治療協會授予 2014 年分會臨床實踐卓越獎。他還被授予 2015 年北卡羅來納大學年度臨床講師。

O’Halloran 博士關於早期促進全膝關節置換術患者步態研究報告已在同行評審的期刊出版物中被引用。